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与 alleges 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The old nursery rhyme alleges that little girls are made of "sugar, and spice, and everything nice."


The Microsoft since contrast " upgrade compulsively MSN9.0 " with earlier moment " Hei Bing is warned " strong move, IE8 alleges publicly in the light of pilfer edition user " open wide a gate " practice afford for thought.


Under the skeptical eyes of local doctors Don Luigi Garofalo, a priest in the Quarto sector of Naples, alleges that he is curing all the ills that flesh is heir to, from pneumonia to broken bones, by a practical application of the theory derived from the text,'Man is of dust and to dust he shall return.

在当地医生们怀疑的目光下, Naples 的 Quarto 分区的一位牧师 Don Luigi Garofalo 宣称,他已经治愈了不少种疾病,从肺炎到骨折,应用的就是这段文字中传达出来的理论--'人本是尘土,也将归于尘土'。

The lawsuit, filed on Monday, alleges violations of the U.S. Racketeer and Corrupt Organizations Act and federal copyright laws, as well as a breach of California's unfair competition statute.


The postmodernist philosophy alleges that it is the rescript of characteristics and proclamation possessed by modernity. This means the changes of thinking mode, the conversion of academic view, the reconstruction of theory pattern and conception.


Mr. Bienstock alleges that the committee voted 5-2 for the upgrade, but his supervisor, Patrick Finnegan, the ratings committee chairman and then director of Moody's corporate-finance group, called for a revote saying "Express Scripts doesn't pay us," and "they don't visit us and they don't deserve our upgrade."

费尼根要求重新投票,称"Express Scripts不给我们付款","不来拜访我们,他们不值得我们给其上调评级。"

The suit also alleges that in order to hide trading losses and inflate expenses, Mayer Brown structured and documented fake loan transactions at the end of every relevant reporting and auditing period "like a street-corner shell game."

该诉讼宣称,为了隐藏交易损失和膨胀的费用,Mayer Brown律师事务所在每一个相应的报告及审计期末虚构了虚假的信贷业务,并提供证明文件。

The Statement of Claim alleges that Dell was negligent in the design of the notebooks, and that Dell knew or ought to have known of the inherent defects in the notebooks' design but nevertheless sold, marketed and distributed the notebooks in Canada.

Rochon Genova LLP在诉讼中称,戴尔"忽略了笔记本电脑的设计问题",因此存有问题的Inspiron系列笔记本电脑可能会因为过热,而导致主板被过早破坏。诉讼还称,这一问题"往往是在戴尔产品一年的保质期结束之后变显现出来"。

Article 26 Where any person or any association alleges that any of the rights granted under this Constitution or any legislation or directives are constitutionally contravened, that person or association may invoke the privilege and benefit of court direction, order or writ, including a judgment of unconstitutionality; and anyone injured by an act of the Government or any person acting under its authority, whether in property, contract, tort or otherwise, shall have the right to bring suit for appropriate redress.


He alleges that significance of life consists developing hominine intrinsic vitality ,overcoming the opposition and confliction among the people in their life, with the purpose of life harmony.


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It was found that the carbonization temperature had evidence influence on the mechanics properties of woodceramics.


In the name of civilian supremacy, the Maoists are now blockading the assembly.


"The coming introduction of non-Latin characters represents the biggest technical change to the Internet since it was created four decades ago," said ICANN chairman Peter Dengate Thrush.
