英语人>网络例句>all the same to 相关的网络例句
all the same to相关的网络例句

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与 all the same to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A group of four teenagers all begin to have the same strange dreams about Freddy and then one of them is gruesomely murdered in her sleep .


I observ'd the poor affectionate Creature every two Minutes, or perhaps less, all the while he was here, turn'd his Head about, to see if his Father was in the same Place, and Posture, as he left him sitting; and at last he found he was not to be seen; at which he started up, and without speaking a Word, flew with that Swiftness to him, that one could scarce perceive his Feet to touch the Ground, as he went: But when he came, he only found he had laid himself down to ease his Limbs; so Friday came back to me presently, and I then spoke to the Spaniard to let Friday help him up if he could, and lead him to the Boat, and then he should carry him to our Dwelling, where I would take Care of him: But Friday, a lusty strong Fellow, took the Spaniard quite up upon his Back, and carry'd him away to the Boat, and set him down softly upon the Side or Gunnel of the Canoe, with his Feet in the inside of it, and then lifted him quite in, and set him close to his Father, and presently stepping out again, launched the Boat off, and paddled it along the Shore faster than I could walk, tho' the Wind blew pretty hard too; so he brought them both safe into our Creek; and leaving them in the Boat, runs away to fetch the other Canoe.


At the same time of studying and designing Haier embedded IDE, the thesis alsostudys and analyses the process of embedded software testing, test methods and tactics.It considers the development process of Haler embedded IDE, giving the suitable Vtesting mode to test each stage of Haier embedded IDEs development. This ensuresHaier embedded IDE to realize all the needs such as functionality, stability and so on,making Haier embedded IDE to have certain reference value.


Once again, is the pattern design: here refers to products that are, such as the content of the scenery, characters, animal, pattern in full embroidery embroidery cloth embroidered: full and half finished half embroidery embroidery than the finished product or process from visual complexity, are good with embroidered products embroider becomes time-consuming and long, so in the same specification under the full price to embroider, like the Great Wall painting scroll all belong to the high-quality goods.


I would like all my friends to have a shower or have a bath at the same time.


I would like all my friends to have a shower or a bath at the same time.


I told her all about my heartache, and she said the same thing once happened to her.


And the fact that the people in these parts of Hellas are still living in the old way points to a time when the same mode of life was once equally common to all.


XRD,X-ray EDS analysis,AFM and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were employed to characterize PbSe thin films. The results show that all of the films were heteromorphy and the growth temperature has effect to the diffract peaks of the films. The contents of PbSe thin films by PLD consisted with the targets,and realizing thin films deposited with same constitutes; the films had rather flatness surface and compact structure; the peak-to-tail roughness of PbSe thin films surfaces was less than 200nm;they had sensitivity to light of a specified wavelength and obvious absorption edge at 5μm corresponding to band-gap width of PbSe thin films;light of wavelength less than 5μm was strongly absorbed.


In order to improve services trade competitiveness and the country competitiveness, China must strengthen the two advantageous factors to generate "leading effect", and at the same time, improve the two disadvantageous factors to weaken "cask effect", because all influence factors are a holonomic system.


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All The Same To Me
It's All The Same To Me
If It's All The Same To You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
