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all the same to相关的网络例句

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与 all the same to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the bits to bits arbitration of the CAN protocol defines a static priority to messages exchanged. Due to the fact of the lack of timing information for non periodic data transmission, it is impossible to find a static manner to attribute CAN identifiers to exchanged objects so that applications periods limit can be always be satisfied. When one or many network stations send data using the same identifier, at some point, data will differ and generate error. All stations will then back off and retransmit restarting the whole process. In this case, retransmission can lockup the network.

然而, CAN总线采用位仲裁技术,利用信息的标识符域定义了一种静态的优先权,由于非周期数据传输时缺乏时间信息,不可能找到一个静态标识符分配方案永远满足应用程序对时间的要求;当一个或多个网络节点同时发送标识符相同的数据时,如果数据不同,所有节点都要重新发送数据,在这种情况下,网络将阻塞。

The results show that the decalescence of catalyst bed affects the process of hydrogen peroxide catalytic decomposition greatly. If the catalyst bed is preheated or made up of materials with low thermal conductivity, that influence can be depressed. At the same time, the response characteristic of catalyst bed and the efficiency of catalytic decomposition can be improved. The low frequency pressure instability of catalyst bed occurs because of the coupling of catalytic decomposition and supplying. The decomposition plane pushes all the way through the catalyst bed during pressure oscillations, causing unreacted liquid hydrogen peroxide to be exhausted from the bed and leading to the appearance of liquid hydrogen peroxide channeling. Consequently, how to prevent or at least limit this channeling is the key to eliminate the pressure instability of catalyst bed. It was found that adding clapboard to the catalyst bed can depress the pressure instability efficiently.


The liver fibrotic model was induced by CCl4 i.p for 5wk. Telmisartan was given at the same time model establishment in each intervened group by administration lasted for 6wk. Decollate to get the blood of all rats after 7 weeks . ALT、AST and ALB of serum was detected by automatic biochemistry equipment. Hyaluronic acid was detected by ELISA detection. Liver and spleen was obtained to calculate the index. The liver pathological changes were observed in each group of rats after HE staining to evaluate the therapeutic effect of Telmisartan; TGF-β1、PPAR-γand PDGF of liver tissue was detected by the method of immunohistochemistry respectively; The mRNA expression of TGF-β1、MMP-1、TIMP-1、α-SMA、PPAR-γand iNOS was detected by RT-PCR detection, respectively.


Natural selection in biology could work the same way, Dewar thinks:"In physics, to speak of natural selection is to ask, among all possible states, which is the one that nature selects."


Regardless of size, all stars are thought to emerge in the same basic way: Gravity contracts a giant, diaphanous cloud of gas and dust and eventually ignites a star's nuclear furnace.


And watch em dollar bills come sprinkling down girl bend over pick it from the ground, and toss it up! Everybody on a thing like damn thing Everybody dont die in the same game Homie dont stand on the campaign Lay back like it's not you who's champion Lay back, we won, one time, we get all high, to the b like close to We go, we ride, we go, we fly, we're perfect from the heat we go to.. Convict, we're not sick less, getting everybody to launch sickness then the hole game popped yo pretty dick.. Fly high, Flipsyde and evolution.. you need that treat that clean that we step we fly get em up and we got to and feel that day and we come your way wait dead, and brotha i got you It's been a long time coming so we're here to wake the dead.


If you want all your textareas to have the same dimensions, you can use


China is for instance dinosaurian 2007 the contest of guest of rich of travel of the China that be the same as Cheng of garden, combined media of close a hunderd schools, travel agent to hold, attracted large quantities of travelers, writer, photographer is participated in with lots and lots of common tourists, take part in the match rich guest involves destination to arrive from tropics polar all-embracing, great echo was caused in tourism group.


In an effort to develop a simple method for identifying patients who may have fatty liver disease, Dr. Bedogni and colleagues used data from the Dionysos Nutrition and Liver Study to determine the degree to which drinking habits, anthropometry, and metabolic parameters contribute to the risk for the condition in 216 patients with suspected liver disease but no hepatitis B and C infection as well as in 280 age- and sex-matched controls. All participants were from the same town in northern Italy. The presence of fatty liver disease was confirmed via ultrasonography. Results were presented here by Vittorio di Maso, MD, another researcher at the Liver Research Center, at the 41st annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.

为了发展出一个简单的方法於鉴定脂肪肝疾病病患,Bedogni 医师及其同僚使用迪奥尼修斯营养与肝脏研究的数据,对280位年龄与性别相符者之中的216位疑似有肝脏疾病但无B型或C型肝炎的病患,加以区别饮酒习惯、人体测量学、导致风险的代谢参数等,所有参与实验者都是来自义大利北部的一个城镇,藉由超音波扫瞄确定出现脂肪肝疾病;研究结果在欧洲肝脏研究学会第41届年会由前述肝脏研究中心的另一位研究员、Vittorio di Maso 医师发表。

They all point to the same truth, while displaying different aspects of it.


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All The Same To Me
It's All The Same To Me
If It's All The Same To You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
