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all the same to相关的网络例句

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与 all the same to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This kind of images has made the city become a forest of cement and mechanical moving objects.Those who have created and are living in this atmosphere are,at the same time,enjoying the curiosities,strangeness,dissepiment and insecuritie .All these feelings are hard to be described in one scenario.This is no doubt the feeling of Feng jie,therefore he has adopted a kind of mural painting,used some images that are not interrelated and organized these pieces of memories into a container.Feng jie has a good skill to paint realitically,so he is able to express this kind of absurdness as truly as photographs.He can organize the reality like pieces of cards into an ordered space of images.


Early in May this year we warned the ruling Kuomintang in all seriousness that unless the masses of the people were aroused to resist, China would follow the same path to disaster as Abyssinia.


Just as Adam Clayton Powell is a Christian minister who heads the Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York, but at the same time takes part in the political struggles to try and bring about rights to the black people in this country; and Dr. Martin Luther King is a Christian minister down in Atlanta, Georgia, who heads another organization fighting for the civil rights of black people in this country; and Reverend Galamison, I guess you've heard of him, is another Christian minister in New York who has been deeply involved in the school boycotts to eliminate segregated education; well, I myself am a minister, not a Christian minister, but a Muslim minister; and I believe in action on all fronts by whatever means necessary.


This will perfectly accentuate all you have to offer and yet keep you fully covered at the same time.


According to the results of sequence alignmenUhe partial Cyt b gene sequence of Actiniidae actinia equine, Anthopleura xanthogrammica and Anthopleura midori are similar to Metridium .yem7e(AF000023) of Actiniidae and similarity percent are 88%, 87.6% and 86.9%.,and all of them are in the same clade on phylogenetic trees.

红海葵、黄侧花海葵及绿疣海葵的Cyt b基因部分序列(1Kb左右)经比对,3种海葵与已知的海葵科物种羽毛状海葵(Metridium senile,AF000023)的Cyt b基因序列相似性分别达均为88

Third, because we don't have a law to rule case like this, so the judge have to distinguish it more carefully, and find the most suitable rules. The judge can't adjudge all kind of case in the same way.


Write down so that once a colleague wants me to help him send bill to the client, I took a piece of bill that wrote a number to do not have affix one's seal however only unexpectedly in haste, the client also did not look carefully at that time, later the following day after the client made a telephone call, the work in the same placing's furious resumptive bill, bang ground take the table in me, that appearance, wanted to eat me it seems that, my this all one's life does not forget that his word, he says, bother you sober place is good, you how so stupid, what can you do, do you have a meal is VIP fed?!


Stakes Race —All horses belong to the same gender, age and class.


O. Wilson calls it "the greatest scientific book of all time", it does no harm to remember that he hurried to publish "The Origin of Species" because he thought he was about to be scooped by his fellow naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, who had independently come up with much the same idea of evolution through natural selection.


At the same time I contriv'd to encrease my little Flock of tame Goats as much as I could; and to this Purpose, I made Friday and the Spaniard go out one Day, and my self with Friday the next Day; for we took our Turns: And by is Means we got above 20 young Kids to breed up with the rest; for when-ever we shot the Dam, we saved the Kids, and added them to our Flock: But above all, the Season for curing the Grapes coming on, I caused such a prodigious Quantity to be hung up in the Sun, that I believe, had we been at Alicant where the Raisins of the Sun are cur'd, we could have fill'd 60 or 80 Barrels; and these with our Bread was a great Part of our Food, and very good living too, I assure you; for it is an exceeding nourishing Food.


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All The Same To Me
It's All The Same To Me
If It's All The Same To You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
