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all the same to相关的网络例句

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与 all the same to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I like to go home a mess they are feeling forgotten, I like to get up on us all with a smiling face, I like to go out on an individual and the world in order to better fight, I like a family dream to create the same direction.


And they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with you beyond Jordan, to whom you bare witness, behold, the same baptizes, and all men come to him.


For this the best technique is to have the entire team collocated, in the same room as much as possible , all facing each other, to be able to ask each other questions and to enable others to hear discussions etc.


I've always fantasized about being in one, but it's hard to get eight hot tops that all want to fuck me at the same time and are O.K.


In our desire to go ahead with the more serious business due in the next session, we appeal to in the Lord, and we ask and counsel by the tender mercy of the same, prelates, kings, dukes, marquises, counts and others who usually come or send someone to a general council, but who have not yet provided spokesmen or legitimate instructions, to decide with all possible speed either to come in person or to send chosen and competent envoys, with valid instructions, to this sacred Lateran council which is so beneficial to the christian state.

在我们的愿望,继续进行更严重的企业应在下届会议上,我们呼吁在上帝,我们要求和律师的投标摆布相同,主教,国王,公爵, marquises ,计数及其他谁通常来或派人向总理事会,但谁尚未提供的发言人或合法的指示,决定尽快要么来亲自或派特使选择和主管,以有效的指示,这个神圣的拉特兰理事会是这样有利於基督教国家。

Air is clean spend and fall next bacterium are current air of product of province IVC system, isolator purifies Jiangsu to roughly two kinds of air current organize means, one kind sends a top to answer for the top: IVC remands wind filters through containing directly top of basket case case, horniness isolator remands on ben top wind; remands another kind to be the same as one side parallel: IVC remands wind contains filter film with a side face in basket box undertake inside aperture, soft qualitative isolator is sent by ben a side wind is answered on wind, means of two kinds of air current all is be not one-way and popular form.


I'm not going to let you know who survives and who doesn't, but it's not going to be the same people, all of them.


Although extremely dangerous and stressful work, but can not be compared to Marry headache housework: she and pest mom had the same trouble Jinx live with her sister Brandi, Jinx never done a decent job, all day long glass their hands; Brandi moved to New Mexico's aim is to sell a box for her boyfriend Chuck ice.


Pressure figures from this ISA are used in calibration of barographs, because although the real atmosphere varies from day to day, for calibration purposes a set of internationally agreed figures are needed so that all calibrations are to the same datum, whether or not such figures correspond to 'true' height on a given day.

来自 ISA 的压力数字,用来校准自动记录式气压计﹙ barographs ﹚,因为真正的大气每一天都不同。为校准的目的,需要一套国际同意的数字是,使所有校准是相同的基准,无论这些数字是否对应某一天的'真正的'高度﹙ 'true' height ﹚。

Pressure figures from this ISA are used in calibration of barographs, because although the real atmosphere varies from day to day, for calibration purposes a set of internationally agreed figures are needed so that all calibrations are to the same datum, whether or not such figures correspond to 'true' height on a given day.

来自 ISA 的压力数字,用来校准自动记录式气压计﹙ barographs ﹚,因为真正的大气每一天都不同。

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All The Same To Me
It's All The Same To Me
If It's All The Same To You

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
