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与 algae 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With experimental aquarium, this paper studied the effects of different concentration Galla chinensis on the bacteria and algae in pool water.


Meanwhile, the author also described some controls on A. albopictus such as chemical controls using pesticides, repellents, and attractants; bio-controls using algae and Gambusia affinls, and the environmental management of these controls.


DHA supplements derived from algae and encased in non gelatine capsules are now available.


Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.


There are also algae eaters, Botia, Corys, Knifefish and the more unusual specimens like Goby and Needle Nose.


Volvocales An order of the Chlorophyta containing motile unicellular algae (e.g. Chlamydomonas), colonial forms (e.g. Gonium), and coenobial forms (e.g. Volvox).

团藻目:绿藻门下的一个目,包括运动性单细胞藻类(例如:衣藻属 Chlamydomonas)、群体形态的藻类(例如:盘藻属 Gonium)、群落形态的藻类(例如:团藻属 Volvox)。

With the urchins gone, it was up to another grazer, the colourful parrotfish, to keep the algae under control.


Therefore, fish's predatory control on zooplankton is higher in shallow lakes, resulting in less possibility of grazer control of algae by the Cladocera.


Results Seven kinds of algae sold in marketwere identified as sargassum pallidumC.Ag.,S.hemiphyllum,S.polycystum C.Ag.,S.horneriC.Ag.,S.cervicorme Greville,S.biserrula J.Agardh,S.emargiatumTseng et Lu.

结果 在商品海藻中鉴别出马尾藻属植物海蒿子、半叶马尾藻、匍枝马尾藻、铜藻、鹿角马尾藻、双锯叶马尾藻和凹顶马尾藻七种海藻。

Of or belonging to the order Fucales, which includes brown algae such as gulfweed and rockweed.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
