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与 air-hammer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Zaleha Hussin yang dari Kelantan XXX,semasa dalam pewakilan kumpulan wanita debate agama dan sosial proposal,bercadang government kasi instruction kepada Air Asia untuk tukar air stewardess punye uniform,sebab uniform sekarang terlalu exposure,opposite islam punye nilai.


To minimize the cost function, the optimal set-points of AHU supply air temperature, supply chilled water temperature and outdoor air ventilation rate can be obtained.


In our project, the external air will circulate in the underground ducts before starting the treatment in the AHU; this way, the earth will modify the temperature of the external air in winter and during the summer season.


Objective To study indoor air quality of middle - age intellectuals and to understand the relative value of air clean.

目的 了解贵阳市中年知识分子家庭空气质量相对清洁值。

It is shown that the experiments were done with good repeatability and the tested results of air age were reasonable, which indicate the flow pattern and freshness of the outdoor air in the ventilated space.


Results The indoor air quality of middle - age intellectuals was bad.The CO was remarkable air pollutant.


Earlier Wednesday, Thailand put fighter jets on alert at air force bases nationwide and C-130 transport planes on standby at a base in the capital, Bangkok , that could evacuate Thais living in the border area "if the tension escalates to a military confrontation," Thai air force official Group Capt. Montol Satchukorn said.

据泰国空军机群一名叫 Montol Satchukorn 的上校军官声称,本周三早些时候泰国曾经命令其在全国性空军基地的喷气式战斗机做好戒备并部署 C-130运输机停在其首都曼谷的空军基地,以便于"在紧张局势升级并爆发冲突时"能撤出生活在上述有争议边界地区的泰国人。

On the agenda a general agent aggravate the injury aggressive weapons agitate for a strike long ago be in agony agree to the proposal agreeable weather come to an agreement modern agriculture ahead of time economic aid aim at the target air force aircraft carrier domestic airline international airport along the aisle alarm clock photo album absolute alcohol air alert resident alien The twins look alike.

monthly allowance alloy steel ally with another country almost nothing let alone 不久以后反复地,再三地靠着墙超龄职业介绍所把某事提到日程上来总代理加重伤势攻击性武器煽动罢工很久以前苦恼不安同意提议宜人的天气达成协议现代农业提前经济援助瞄准目标空军航空母舰国内航线国际机场沿着走廊闹钟相册无水酒精空袭警报外籍居民这对双胞胎看上去很像。

The firm's air delivery arm, Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co Ltd, still holds 25 percent of international express delivery market.

该公司的航空速递手臂,中外运航空运输发展有限公司合作,仍持有25 %的国际快递市场。

The Independent Air Arm is an Air Force that may actually be a branch of the Army, but operates on its own accord with its own agenda.


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The Air That I Breathe
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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
