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与 air-hammer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This approach resulted in another set of milestone works, A Rainbow in Curved Air , Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band , The Persian Surgery Dervishes and Shri Camel .

这直接导致了他一系列里程碑式作品(《 A Rainbow in Curved Air 》,《 Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band 》,《 The Persian Surgery Dervishes and Shri Camel 》)的诞生。

Likewise, we often say the telephone modem jacks and S-Video outputs on most laptops are a waste of space, but the MacBook Air goes even further, removing the Ethernet jack (a USB-to-Ethernet adaptor will run you $29) and offloading video output to a pair of included dongles.

同样,我们常常说多数笔记本上的电话线接口、视频输出口都是浪费空间,但是MacBook Air就更进一步将以太网接口(USB-以太网适配器要29美元)移除,把视频输出减轻为一对插头(一个是VGA输出、一个是DVI输出

This paper studies the measurement of potassium content in DEB powder of hot battery by using the air-C2H2 flame atom-obsorption spectrum, and i nt roduces the optimum measuring condition and disturbing factor.


To achieve this level of effort and tempo, a strike-configured Tailored Air Group of 30 JCAs plus four MASC and six Merlins would be embarked, with the ability to surge to 36 JCAs for short periods at the expense of the Merlin squadron.

为了实现这一级别的努力和节拍,30架 JCAs 外加4架 MASC 和6架 Merlins 组成的定制飞行联队(Tailored Air Group, TAG)将形成一个打击组合配置到舰上,同时具有在 Merlin 中队出现损失时短期将 JCAs 增加到36架的能力。

In the "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" radio interview first aired June 13, 2005, he admitted to Gross that because Batman is "such an American icon", he had decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie Batman Begins (2005) in his natural mixed Welsh/British accent. He instead spoke to Gross in an almost-inflection less mid-American accent, only revealing his dialectic roots with a few words.

在2005年1月13日&Fresh Air with Terry Gross&电台节目中,他谈论到,由于蝙蝠侠是&如此重要的美国象征&,他决定不在该电影的任何访谈中使用他原本的威尔士/英国混合口音,而是用了一种几乎变调的美国中部地区口音,他在短短几句话里就显示了深厚的口音变化能力。

In the "Fresh Air with Terry Gross" radio interview first aired June 13, 2005, he admitted to Gross that because Batman is "such an American icon", he had decided not to perform his promotional interviews for the movie Batman Begins (2005) in his natural mixed Welsh/British accent. He instead spoke to Gross in an almost-inflection less mid-American accent, only revealing his dialectic roots with a few words.

在2005年1月13日&Fresh Air with Terry Gross&电台节目中,他念叨到,因为蝙蝠侠是&云云紧张的美国象征&,他决意不在该影戏的任何访谈中应用他原本的威尔士/英国夹杂口音,而是用了一种险些变调的美国中部地区口音,他在短短几句话里就显现了深挚的口音变化才力。

University of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman created the first cushioned mid-sole by heating polyure-thane on his wife's waffle iron in the early 70s, which later led to the creation of Nike Air.

话说从头: 2 How it began: 20世纪70年代初期,俄勒冈大学的竞赛教练比尔鲍尔曼在他太太的比利时格子饼贴膜上加热聚氨酯,打造出第一个有软垫的鞋子中底,后来促成了Nike Air运动鞋的问世。

"Japanese women are now working hard and making more money," says Yuko Takeyama, a woman in her early 30s who manages Air Group.

管理Air Group的一位30出头女性Yuko Takeyama说:日本女性现在在拼命工作赚到了更多的钱。

The court ruled, by the slenderest of margins, that the Clean Air Act—a law from the 1960s designed to combat smog—gives the Environmental Protection Agency the power to regulate carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.

法院规定,,这个Clean Air Act法律给予EPA权利去规范最主要的温室气体CO2。

At 10 p.m. on a recent Saturday night, the Shibuya On Air East club hosts the usual assemblage of punks, skinheads and wannabe models.

上周六的晚上10点,在涉谷区的On Air East酒吧里,会集了一批大家熟悉的朋克、光头党和年轻模特。

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Air For Life
What Temperature Does Air Freeze At?
Love Is In The Air
The Air That I Breathe
Lighter Than Air
Still No Air
Air & Angels
I Feel Something In The Air (Magic In The Air)
Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata
Nike Air (Hands In The Air)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
