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与 air-hammer 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The electronic ticket is the electronic image of the paper ticket. Rather than being "ticketless", the electronic ticket contains the ticket information stored in our electronic ticket system. Passengers with China Eastern Airlines electronic tikets may logon et.ce-air.com or www.travelsky.com to check the authenticity and validity of their tickets by inputting their electronic ticket numbers and names.

电子客票是纸质客票的电子影像,电子客票并不是&无票&,而是将客票的信息储存在我们的电子客票系统中,购买东航电子客票的旅客可登陆 et.ce-air.com 或 www.travelsky.com ,输入电子客票号以及旅客姓名,查看自己所购买客票的真实性和有效性。

I've downloaded and installed the Pownce AIR app, now uninstalled as I didn't use it.

我曾经下载并安装了Pownce AIR应用,现在已经卸载了,因为我从来没有用过它。

Wacken Open Air is a popular German music festival focusing on various forms of extreme metal and heavy metal.

Wacken Open Air是德国非常受欢迎的音乐节,以有大量不同风格的极端金属和重金属乐队的参与著称。

The owner of a Kobe sporting-goods store was arrested after allegedly absconding with $64,000in advance payments for Air Mazes.

神户一家运动用品公司老板因涉嫌卷款潜逃而被捕,款项是Air Maxes运动鞋的预付金6.4万美元。

The business of film-making may split, says Ms Lemisch, with the lawyers, agents and other suits staying in their Brentwood and Bel Air villas, and the crews decamping.

Lemisch表示,一部电影的制作过程是可以被分割的,律师、经纪人和其他相关人员呆在他们位于Brentwood和Bel Air的别墅里,而摄制组则四处取景拍摄。

The new method formulizes the immune response as a quaternion AIR=, where G denotes exterior stimulus or antigen, I denotes the set of valid antibodies, R denotes the set of reaction rules describing the interactions between antibodies, and A denotes the dynamical algorithm describing how the reaction rules are applied to antibody population.

新方法将免疫响应过程建模为一个四元组 AIR=,其中 G 为引发免疫响应的外界刺激,即抗原; I 为所有可能抗体的集合; R 为抗体间相互作用的规则集合; A 为支配抗体反应、指导抗体进化的动态算法。

In Air Hunter, you are free to practice sophisticated maneuvers and develop advanced fighting techniques.

在Air Hunter游戏中,你可以自由训练复杂的策略并且开发高级的战斗技巧。

In Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air, Professor MacKay makes this point very simply by sidestepping the economics altogether.

Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air一书中,麦凯完全避开经济学理论,非常简单地论证了这个观点。

MediaCorp TV HD5 is Singapore's first over-the-air HDTV channel, simulcasting HD version of Channel 5 programming when available. It is the first terrestrial broadcast HD channel in South-East Asia and also first in the world to use MPEG4/AVC compression.

新传媒的高清第五播道是新加坡,东南亚,和世界上第一个免费的可用室外天线接收(over-the-air DVB-T broadcast)的数字高清频道,它和新传媒的普通第五播道是同步的。

Air sparging has been proven to be one of the most effective means of removing volatile organic compounds in saturated soils and groundwater.

原位空气扰动技术(air sparging,AS)是去除饱和土壤和地下水中挥发性有机物的最有效方法之一。

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Air For Life
What Temperature Does Air Freeze At?
Love Is In The Air
The Air That I Breathe
Lighter Than Air
Still No Air
Air & Angels
I Feel Something In The Air (Magic In The Air)
Di Mata Air Tidak Ada Air Mata
Nike Air (Hands In The Air)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
