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与 aggregated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the theory of stages of change model, this research also shows that subjects at the stages of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation, had obvious increase of aggregated amounts of veg/fruit intake.


Endoplasmic reticula in enlarged C-tapetal cells were aggregated in stacks at first, and then produced numerous ER-vesicles. As inclusions in the vesicles increased, the cytoplasm in these cells decreased until it was replaced by starch grains and lipid droplets.


In electron microscopy endothelial cell of capillary and mitochondrial was edematous obviously, the basement membranes were thickened. RGCs were vacuolated, chromatin of nucleus aggregated marginally decreased and densification. Some of RGCs were necrosis, nucleus were dissolved, mitochondria was edematous, the rough endoplasmic reticula decreased obviously.


Antherodes 3-sect; panicles terminal or cincinni numerous and aggregated in spathelike involucral bracts (in latter case pedicels with sheathlike, membranous bracteoles); plants terrestrial herbs, mostly without elongate and horizontal rhizomes.

Antherodes 3全裂;顶生的圆锥花序或蝎尾状聚伞花序多数和在佛焰苞状总苞片内聚生(在后半箱花梗具鞘状,膜质内);植株陆生草本,多数没有拉长和水平根状茎。

Fruit free, not aggregated into a syncarp.


Fruit with enlarged, succulent calyx usually aggregated into juicy syncarp.


The results showed that small-scale gaps were the predominant types of disturbance. The average gap density was 12.5 km^(-1). The distribution pattern of gaps was aggregated on south facing slopes and was approximately homogeneous on north facing slopes. Conifer trees were the primary gap-makers in this forest that was dominated by Abies faxoniana, Tsuga chinensis, Betida utilis, both in abundance and diameter rank. The decay class distribution of gap-makers indicated that the mode of gap formation and gap-maker species changed with age of the forest; the contribution of conifer species to gap formation decreased with time and broadleaf species increased.


Mongolica and Ulmus laciniata populations were aggregated distribution; they displayed different degrees of aggregation intensity during different times of forest conservation; aggregation intensity of populations inclined as a whole.


Results showed that there were the morphological changes of mitochondria, such as vacuolization, degeneration and cristae swelling or disappearance, in HT-29 cells treated by C2-ceramide for 24 hours. Under the fluorescence microscope, mitochondria of apoptotic cells aggregated and emitted red fluorescence, however, mitochondria of normal cells emitted green fluorescence. The mitochondrial membrane potential began to decrease after 6 hours in HT-29 cells treated with C2-ceramide in time and dose dependent manner.


Secondly, in LFRR system flows which weights are the same and larger than 1 are aggregated into a virtual flow. LFRR deals with virtual flows instead of actual flows. This deceases the flow number that scheduling algorithm deals with.


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The dead bodies of creatures are absorbed by other creatures, the earth and the grass.


Puerto Galera, one of the oldest Spanish settlements in the Philippines, was founded in 1572, becoming the first provincial capital on Mindoro Island.

海豚湾Puerto Galera 位于菲律宾南方第一大岛Mindoro的北部,是菲律宾著名的潜水地,全年适合潜水。

He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks.
