查询词典 agglomeration
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One of them is the serious agglomeration occurring in the PFBC developed by IHI, a Japanese boiler manufacturer.
在日本IHI公司的PFBC 锅炉结渣问题一直困扰已久,由于缺乏有效手段预测和避免结渣的发生,造成了较大的经济损失。
The main conclusions of the paper are: first, the immanence essence of Urban Agglomeration is the reflection of regional integration in space shape.
This difference was indistinctive at a higher filler content. This is because there existed a critical content for naoscale filler, which determined the agglomeration or not of the nanoscale filler in the polymer matrix.
As a new spatial unit in the development of modern city, urban agglomeration would be the basic unit of international competition under the 21st globalization.
From the perspective of global competition, the basic unit of 21st international economic competition is neither the enterprise nor the country, but the big urban agglomeration.
It was mainly used to treat menstrual discordance,dysmenorrhea,zhengjia agglomeration,chest and abdomen bite,the sore being swollen and painful,emotion dysphoria and insomnia,liver and spleen intumescence,angina.
丹参是唇形科植物丹参Salviamiltiorrhiza Bunge的根,它的主要功效有祛瘀止痛,活血通经,清心除烦,用于月经不调,经闭痛经,癥瘕积聚,胸腹刺痛,疮疡肿痛,心烦不眠,肝脾肿大,心绞痛。
With the agglomeration of regional industry, specific regions can affect the regional economic growth by changing the stock of invisible assets.
Following were the main substances of this research: Rules of import-iron oresagglomeration, import-iron ores include Brazil CVRD iron ore、Indias high qualitymine、Brazil iron fine powder、Irani iron fine powder and Mauritania fine powder.Rules of rich iron ores of Tiangang agglomeration, it includes Laiyuan iron ore andQian'an iron ore.
本文主要研究内容包括:进口富矿粉的烧结成矿规律,进口粉主要包括巴西CVRD 粉、印度高品位粉、巴西铁精粉、伊朗粉和毛里塔尼亚粉;地方精粉主要包括涞源精粉和迁安精粉;在上述研究的基础上,进行合理烧结配矿的研究,从而得出合理的配矿方案和工艺参数。
The core of the agglomeration of the Arabian world is the Arabic language and the Islamism.
Now,the essential of industry isomorphism in these regions is regional industry agglomeration.
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The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.
The fame thing I don't like.