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与 aftertreatment 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result shows, grass of Sikkim small hole is temporary decline Yan period with permanent decline water content of Yan period soil is respectively 7.06% be in temporary decline with 6.20%; the Sikkim of Yan period is small after water of Kong Cao answer bibulous and rapid, decline Yan condition is eliminated gradually, appearance of aftertreatment group of answer water 6 H and contrast active of basic consistent;SOD is during threatening processing with markedder than notting have to taking a picture change, the ascendant;CAT that there is certain range after answer water and POD active are in threatening during after rising first, drop, all remarkable prep above contrasts level, and the active;MDA content that still keeps taller after answer water as the extension of time of arid and threatening processing mushroom, to threatening the 8th climate reachs maximum, content of the MDA in the lamina after answer water drops quickly, arrive the 5th day after answer water, content of the MDA in threatening group lamina is adjacent already contrast level.

结果显示,锡金微孔草暂时萎焉期和永久萎焉期土壤含水量分别为7.06%和6.20%;处于暂时萎焉期的锡金微孔草复水后吸水迅速,萎焉状态逐渐消除,复水6 h后处理组外貌和对照基本一致;SOD活性在胁迫处理期间和对照相比无显著变化,复水后有一定幅度的上升;CAT和POD活性在胁迫期间先上升后下降,均显著高于对照水平,且复水后仍然保持较高的活性;MDA含量随着干旱胁迫处理时间的延长而迅速增加,到胁迫第8天时达到最大值,复水后叶片中MDA含量迅速下降,到复水后第5天,胁迫组叶片中MDA含量已接近对照水平。

Education Min law is measured so that tea-oil tree water extracts content bud pre-treatment long, root grows careless to barnyard grass germination percent, bine and the IC50 of the chroma in restraining of bright quality is respectively 0.22, 0.36, 0.11 with 1.19 G/mL(bright quality, similarly hereinafter), cannikin law is measured so that long to the bine, root grows bud aftertreatment to be respectively with the IC50 of bright quality 0.17, 0.05 with 1.80 G/mL, show tea-oil tree water carries content to be had to barnyard grass grass weed active.

培养皿法测得油茶水提取物芽前处理对稗草种子发芽率、茎长、根长和鲜质量的抑制中浓度IC50分别为0.22、0.36、0.11和1.19 g/mL,小杯法测得芽后处理对茎长、根长和鲜质量的IC50分别为0.17、0.05和1.80 g/mL,表明油茶水提物对稗草具有除草活性。

In the world, become world the biggest fruit to produce a country, but long-term since because take crop seriously, negligence quality, take measure of the increase production before collecting seriously, negligence collects an aftertreatment, store up treatment, the decay after causing fruit greens product to collect is degenerative and serious, loss is great, main show is in these problems the following respects: 1Structure of breed of product of.1 fruit greens is unreasonable although the crop of fruit greens product of our country is tall, but quality is poorer, market price is low, breed structure is unreasonable, early, medium scale of ripe, late-mature breed is undeserved, do not have especially comfortable the high grade breed at treatment, restricted our country fruit to machine the development of course of study apparently.

因此提高果蔬产品的质量,发展贮藏加工业,是我国果蔬产业发展亟待解决的问题。1 目前我国果蔬产业发展中存在的问题自 1993年以来,我国果品产量跃居世界第 1位,成为世界第一大水果生产国,但是长期以来由于重视产量,忽视质量,重视采前增产措施,忽视采后处理、贮藏加工,造成果蔬产品采后腐烂变质严重,损耗极大,这些问题主要表现在以下几个方面:1.1 果蔬产品品种结构不合理我国的果蔬产品产量虽高,但质量较差,市场售价低,品种结构不合理,早熟、中熟、晚熟品种比例不当,非凡是没有适于加工的优质品种,明显制约了我国果品加工业的发展。

The efficacy(daily voiding frequency, urgent uresis) of the 2 groups were evaluated before, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months aftertreatment.

观察两组用药前、用药后1 个月、3 个月、6 个月的临床症状(每日排尿次数、尿急程度)。

In the NPC cell lines,loss of BLU expression correlated with hypermethylation of the 20 CpG sites in the 5′ region of BLU(approximately -292bp to -23bp upstream the translation start site)as revealed by bisulphite sequencing. Expression of the gene was restored aftertreatment with 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine in CNE2, suggesting that repression of BLUtranscription might at least be partially mediated by promoter methylation.


The key was elaborated strengthen research of technology of titanium white aftertreatment, promote product of vitriolic law titanium white energetically high-grade change, accelerate research of technology of chloridize law titanium white and industrialization process, the aspect that alters high-grade titanium white to count an import gradually and accelerate metallic titanium to grow pace, conform with international person of the same trade as soon as possible wait for a viewpoint.


NOx and PM are the main exhaust emissions of diesel engines. Emission reduction technologies include turbocharging, turbocharging with intercooling, exhaust gas recirculation, aftertreatment system etc.


As an iron, PPG is burned red one aspect of the matter, VANCL burns another end again now red, the dress network that there is Masamasuo, Maikaolin, BONB, net to fill among is not lukewarm not fire, and PPG erupts as what recall debt door incident, of high level of together with company leave early or late, and its author Mr Li Liang however from beginning to end not the front buys main forces to be explained to our net, the negative effect that also did not grow in intensity makes corresponding public relations response, it is mail reply withstands first only wait for me to go back to the motherland aftertreatment, complete the faithful FANS air oneself aside niminy-piminy, it also becomes more and more unfamiliar in the eye of the user, the user also forgot words and deeds of this ignored user gradually, do not feel the company that the user feels.


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The visit of all these marauders must be anticipated, and measures taken to prevent their depredation .


It is no effect of him whatever threaten or speak the sense.


From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
