查询词典 afternoon lady
- 与 afternoon lady 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In the afternoon, the old lady heard from everyone that the shoes had beenred, and she said that it was very wrong of Karen, that it was not at allbecoming, and that in future Karen should only go in black shoes to church,even when she should be older.
But the next afternoon when Lady Gray came down the steps,she said,'York,you must put those horses'heads higher;they don't look nice.
One rainy afternoon an elderly lady walked into a philadelphia department store.most of the clerks ignored her,bet on solicitous young man asked if he could help her.when she replied that she was just waiting for the rain to end,he didn't try to sell her something she didn't try to sell her something she didn't want,and he didn't turn his back.instead he brought her a chair.
One rainy afternoon an elderly lady walked into a Philadelphia department store.Most of the clerks ignored her,bet on solicitous young man asked if he could help her.
In the afternoon, the old lady heard from everyone that the shoes had beenred, and she said that it was very wrong of Karen, that it was not at allbecoming, and that in future Karen should only go in black shoes to church,even when she should be older.
Days afternoon, collect the young lady is having a meal with the colleague together, got short message of a mobile phone suddenly, content makes her astonied: Your credit card already consumed a RMB 16:47 at 20 days 10979 yuan, accredit order minor details is 4 times 9613, sending a person is some bank.
On June 23 afternoon, the company that is in toward Li Mou before bell lady works, came up against Li Mou, spoke of to return the responsibility of money.
- 推荐网络例句
By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corruptions of the government.
The most obvious variation to ovum morphological character was that the color was changed from light green to sepiaceous in embryonic development, and all the ovums were almost hatched after 96h.
There was a conflict between plebs and patricians in ancient Rome in 494BC.