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与 after-born 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After this text introduced and will imitate the audio frequency signal processing as numerical signal after red shoot outside, the numerical signal that will receive again solution adjust after the audio frequency power enlarger enlarge restore in order to imitate the speech signal, shot the electric circuit outside analyzed to design the audio frequency signal before collecting the electric circuit, signal placed the big electric circuit, frequency to make the electric circuit, red, red circumscribed to accept the electric circuit,, frequency the solution adjusted the electric circuit and audio frequencies to enlarge the electric circuit etc.


The biochips remained active after 30 days of dry storage at room temperature, after 14 days in buffered solution at 4°C, and after 2 days of continuous operation with short-termed storage inside the flow detector cell.


Initially in the trade company to do the domestic Merchandiser, the company produced for the Japan and South Korea customer service hat, gloves, scarves and other products made from the customer sampling for plant samples, and samples sent to clients on satisfaction after the inquiry after the quotation; the next single post-production samples to confirm large cargo up to date feedback to the factory; ship sailing arrangements and related information before the production to the shipment after the completion of data archiving easy to find.


After the relays on pressure adjustment nut against the clock regulation so that the oil pressure dropped to as little as 32, manual I leave my oil, oil pressure dropped after up to 0.4; and in the future, oil pressure to 0.4 per litre is automatically put oil lubrication, after the oil pressure drop in the Polish sth… so self-repeating.


Using the relative reflection as weighting factor, the weighted mean of the surface albedo over Dunhuang Gobi in typical arid region is calculated and its values are 0.255 ± 0.021. After canceling the interference of the buildings, the mean values of the roughness length averaged with logarithm is 0.0019 ± 0.00071 m. After removing the influence of the oasis, the soil wetness factor computed with data under condition of no precipitation is 0.0045. After removing the influence of the precipitation .the mean values of the soil heat capacity over Dunhuang Gobi in typical ac-id region is 112 × 10 ~6 m~(-3)K~(-1), a bit smaller than the values observed i n HEIFE. But the soil heat diffusivity and conductivity are about one of those observed in HEIFE. The soil water content over Dunhuang Gobi in typical synoptic condition is very little and does not exceed 1% basically.

并且利用相对反射为权重加权平均,计算得到典型干旱区敦煌荒漠戈壁的平均反射率为0.255±0.021;剔除建筑物干扰后,利用对数平均法计算的粗糙度长度平均值为0,0019±0.00071 m;剔除绿洲影响后,用无降水影响的资料确定出土壤湿度影响因子为0.0045;剔除降水影响后,用观测资料计算的敦煌典型干旱区荒漠戈壁的热容量平均值为1.12×10~6m~(-3)K~(-1),比&黑河试验&在戈壁和在其它沙漠观测的有关值略小一些,但热扩散率和热传导率都比&黑河试验&在戈壁观测的值小一倍左右;观测的敦煌戈壁典型天气条件下的土壤含水量非常小,基本上不超过1%。

In 1984 he took a large stake in Revco, a chain of drug stores, after he sold his Odd Lot shops to the group, but he quickly fell out with the board after challenging management for control. Four years later he clashed with creditors of Coleco, the company behind the Cabbage Patch doll phenomenon, when he acquired senior debt in the group shortly after it filed for bankruptcy.

1984年,佩尔穆特在向连锁药店Revco出售自己的Odd Lot商店之后,获得了前者的多数股份,但在为了获得控制权而挑战管理层后,他很快就与董事会发生了争执。4年后,当佩尔姆特在Coleco(创造椰菜娃娃奇迹的公司)申请破产后不久收购其优先债券时,与债权人发生了冲突。

Ticket limit:China to Africa guinea Bissau ticket price, fly guinea Bissau flight queryTime:1, ticket booking 21 days prior to departure from the book must be in 14 days after a ticket, 21 days starting from the book must be within 7 days after booking tickets, starting from within 7 days after the book must be within 24 hours in book tickets

机票价格,飞几内亚比绍航班查询 1、出票时限:距出发21天前预订必须在预订后14天之内出票,距出发21天内预订必须在预订后7天之内出票,距出发7天内预订必须在预订后24小时之内出票

Which haveaffected so many people after 70, 80 after the classic animated"Gourd Brothers" by digital technology "facelift" go after the bigscreen, setting the excellent result of 10 million at the boxoffice.


Several main results on the evolutions of the life and environment on early earth are summarized as follows:(1) the oxygenation of surface environment didn''t cease until a stable stage for 0.4Ga appeared after 1.6Ga;(2) compared to the isotopic compositions of kerogens and coexisted carbonates, the differences between two can effectively carrier the signals from local environments and bio-assemblages;(3) multiple isotopic relationships between kerogens and individual alkanes in Proterozoic samples were observed, which would depend on the specific biogeochemical processes;(4) repeated biogeochemical changes were observed accompanying Neoproerozoic glaciations, which suggesting that environmental rather than evolutionary forces were driving the biogeochemical changes;(5) the bio-radiations after Neoproterozoic glaciations were definitely suggested by molecular and isotopic data to be at the early Cambrian and after the middle of Doushantuo deposition with different triggers for them.


Elegans were significantly decreased after exposure to ENIs(p.05); also the brood size and the lifespan of C. elegans were significantly reduced after exposure to ENIs(p.05). Moreover, after exposure to ENIs, the lifespan of mev-1 mutant hermaphrodites was shorter than that of wild type(p.05), indicating that mev-1 gene mutant could result in more sensitivity of the mutant hermaphrodites to ENIs exposure than the wild type.


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After All It's Christmas
Ever After
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
After The Last Midtown Show
Walking After Midnight
Fifty Years After The Fair
After All
After 17
After Ever After
Always After You ('Til You Started After Me)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
