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RESULTS The degenerative changes of nerve ending in Meissner's corpuscles were observed after 1 month of denervation, and the basic structure of the corpuscles had no obvious changes. After 3 months, the axons of corpuscles were disappeared, and the volume of corpuscles was shrunk. The basic structure of nerves was disappeared, and the lemmocyte and neurolemma plate were changed after 5 months.

结果 失神经1个月时触觉小体内的神经末梢已有溃变,触觉小体的基本结构无明显改变;3个月时轴突消失,触觉小体的体积开始萎缩;5个月时神经结构消失,膜细胞及其膜板亦开始改变;8个月时触觉小体内胶原纤维含量逐渐增多;12个月时触觉小体内膜结构与膜间基质完全消失,被胶原纤维代替。

Abstract] objective to observe the effects of indapamide and losartan alone and combined treatment on the elder patients with hypertension,hypokalemia,hyperglycemia,uric acid,lipid,ect.methods one hundered and fifty patients with hypertension were randomly divided into three groups,with each of 50 cases.the levels of blood pressure,hypokalemia,blood sugar,uric acid,lipide were examined before and after treatment.results after 8 weeks the systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lower.antihypertensive treatment group is the best,the levels of hypokalemia is lower after treatment in the indapamide group,the levels of uric acid is also lower in the losartan group and antihypertensive group.conclusion losartan and indapamide combined treatment not only coordinate to decrease blood pressure but also reduce uric acid,reduce the effect of hypokalemia caused by indapamide.

目的 观察氯沙坦与吲哒帕胺单独应用或联合用药对原发性高血压患者血压、血钾、血糖、尿酸、血脂的影响。方法将符合诊断标准的150例老年高血压患者电脑随机分为3组,每组50例,进行用药前后自身对照试验,8周后检测各组血压、血钾、血糖、尿酸、血脂值。结果 3组治疗后收缩压和舒张压均较前明显降低,联合治疗组降压幅度最大,氯沙坦组和联合治疗组治疗后尿酸值较治疗前降低,吲哒帕胺组治疗后血钾值较治疗前降低。结论氯沙坦与吲哒帕胺联合应用不仅具有协同降压作用,而且能降低尿酸,减轻吲哒帕胺引起的低钾血症。

Results After EMR exposure, mitochondria swelled, the number of lysosome increased, nuclear chromatin marginated in neurocytes and neuroglial cells of the hippocampus and MrD. After exposure to EMR 1~3 h, surrounding space of capillarity enlarged and some endothelium cells of capillarity swelled; after the exposure 4~5 h, surrounding space of capillarity enlarged partially and vacuoles formed in endothelium cells.

结果 电磁辐射照射后,海马、边缘区组织中神经元、神经胶质细胞线粒体肿胀、溶酶体增多、核染色质边集;照射后即刻、1~3h毛细血管周围间隙增大,少数血管内皮细胞肿胀,4~sh毛细血管周围间隙部分增大,血管内皮细胞有空泡形成。

Methods 256 patients with bacterial vaginosis were randomly divided into control group (n=126) and trial group (n=130).Control group were given metronidazole tablets and trial group were given secnidazole tablets.The clinical efficacy was compared between two groups 3~7 days after the end of treatment and 3~7 days after menorrhea,respectively.The relapse rate during 3 months after the end of treatment between two groups was compared.

256例细菌性阴道病患者随机分成对照组126例和试验组130例,分别给予甲硝唑片和塞克硝唑片口服;停药后3~5 d及停药后下次月经来潮干净后3~7 d比较两组的临床疗效,比较两组3个月内的复发率;并观察两组的不良反应的发生情况。

Results One case with transverse mesocolon pore hernia, one with obturator hernia and one with paracecal hernia were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy. There were six cases whose hernias resulted from the fall of export jejuna into import jejuna after Billroth II anastomoses in front of colons, five from the pelvic bottoms' peritoneal fissure and four from the fissure appearing between descending colon and lateral abdominal wall after Miles' operation, one from greater omental adhesion to sigmoidal wall after sigmoidostomy, and one from inflammatory adhesion on the basis of Meckel's diverticulum. The other 17 cases' hernias (48.7%) were caused by the fissure among celiac adhesive bands, peritonea, celiac organs, enteric walls and intestines.

结果 剖腹探查手术证实为横结肠系膜裂孔疝1例;闭孔疝1例;盲肠旁疝1例;毕Ⅱ式结肠前吻合术后输出段空肠疝入输入段空肠与横结肠系膜间隙6例;Miles术后盆底腹膜裂开所致内疝5例;Miles术后降结肠与侧腹壁形成的间隙致内疝4例;大网膜与乙状结肠造口肠壁粘连形成内疝1 例;1例在梅克尔憩室基础上发生炎性粘连形成腹内疝;因腹腔粘连带与腹膜、腹腔脏器、肠壁、肠与肠之间的孔隙改变形成内疝17例(48.7%)。

After 24 hours, all rats were anesthetized again and their left common carotid arteries were cannulated to facilitate blood withdrawal for serum sample. The contents of tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum were determined before and after experiment by ELISA; the activity of superoxide dismutase and content of malondialdehyde were determined by xanthinoxidanse method and modified TBA microdetermination. The content of NO2(superscript -)/NO3(superscript -), and activity of nitric oxide synthase and inducible NOS were determined by nitrate reductase method, and chemical chromogenic reaction, respectively; the immunoglobulin G, IgA, IgM and complement 3 (C3) and C4 were determined by immunoprecipitation method before and after experiment.


Result the muscle tone of 32 patients been softening after 3-7days, and became obvious in 2-8 weeks(p.05),4 cases recurred after 3 months, 25 cases after 6 months, the degree of myospasm was lower, and can be eased by repeated injection.4cases be found local petechia, and no obvious systemic complications.

结果 32例治疗病人均在注射btx-a后第3-7天内肌张力下降,在2-8周时达到明显效果(p.05),3月后有4例出现不同程度复发,6月后25例复发,痉挛程度较注射前轻,重复注射btx-a后可缓解。btx-a注射后有4例出现局部轻度淤血,未发现明显全身并发症。

Results: The scores of HAMA and HAMD were lessened obviously after treatment for two weeks, the fastest effective time was two weeks after treatment, most were 4 weeks, 5 cases (33.3%) were recovery and total obvious effective rate was 73.3% after the treatment for ten weeks, major side-effects were thirst, sweaty, naupathia, headache, insomnia, and degree was light.


Result Among these patients, one patient with cerebellum swelling died after operation, among 6 cases of re-bleeding in-situ after acoustic neurinoma operation one died even after re-operation. All other patients were cured.

结果 术后小脑肿胀1例经抢救无效死亡;听神经瘤手术后瘤腔再出血6例中,1例经抢救无效死亡,另外5例经急诊手术血肿清除治愈;2例听神经瘤手术后幕上硬膜外血肿经急诊血肿清除治愈;脑脊液耳鼻漏3例、脑脊液切口漏17例、颅内感染8例、复视1例、带状疱疹6例、吞咽呛咳4例均经对症处理后预后良好。

30 eyes of superficial corneal diseases including corneal dystrophy 12 eyes,scar after infection 7 eyes, dimmer nummular keratitis 6 eyes,scar after trauma 3 eyes and band degeneration 2 eyes were treated with PTK, and examined the uncorrected visual acuity,best corrected visual acuity and refraction respectively at one week,one month,three months and six months after PTK.The analysis of variance and chi-square test were used.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
