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与 after-born 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: After years since 2000~2008 coagulation knife eudiometrical ablation good clinical results for 61 patients, respectively before and after operation for half a year, a year after determination of estradiol (E2), luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating growth hormone for analysis.


1,After transfected the mutated mtDNA of colorectal carcinoma,the mtDNA D-loop region of the transfected cells displays new mutation points.2,The external source pieces of the mutated mtDNA can integrate to nuclear genome after transfection.3,There's no differences in apoptosis between combinations after transfected the mutation of mtDNA in NIH3T3 and LST cells.4,The mutated mtDNA may affect the action mechanism of occurrence and development in colorectal carcinoma through affecting its mtDNA mutation or integrating exogenetic mtDNA to its nuclear which may cause the abnormal expression of oncogene or anti-oncogene.


1,After transfected the mutated mtDNA of colorectal carcinoma,the mtDNA D-loop region of the transfected cells displays new mutation points.2,The external source pieces of the mutated mtDNA can integrate to nuclear genome after transfection.3,There's no differences in apoptosis between combinations after transfected the mutation of mtDNA in NIH3T3 and LST cells.4,The mutated mtDNA may affect the action mechanism of occurrence and development in colorectal carcinoma through affecting its mtDNA mutation or integrating exogenetic mtDNA to its nuclear which may cause the abnormal expression of oncogene or anti-oncogene.


After finish the digestion, then flow back to the blood.also, during the period of liver and gallbladder concertrate in the hepatoenteral circulation,the bile acid can drain massively with the excrement.and more seriously after adding the fat feed stuff.if this condition go on, the fat cannot be absorbed in time and the energy will be wasted and cause some disease and etc.but after adding the appropriate exogenetic emulsifier,the question can be solved.


After all napoleon had said to him , after those outbursts of wrath , and after the last frigidly uttered words , i will not detain you , general ; you shall receive my letter , balashov felt certain that napoleon would not care to see him again , would avoid indeed seeing again the envoy who had been treated by him with contumely , and had been the eyewitness of his undignified outburst of fury .

在拿破仑对他说了那一切之后,在那一阵愤怒的发泄并在最后冷冷地说了如下几句话之后:& je ne vous retiens plus , gnral , vous recevrez ma lettre &我不多耽搁您了,将军,您会接到我给您们皇帝的回信译者,巴拉瑟夫相信,拿破仑不仅不愿再看见他,而且还会尽力回避他一个受侮辱的使者,更主要的是,他是拿破仑有失体面的冲动行为的见证人。

Methods: animals were randomly classified into 5 groups: group a, gaster poured by physiological solution; group b, gaster poured by ethanol; group c, gaster poured by ethanol after hypophrenic vagectomy; group d, gaster poured by ethanol after big small splanchnicotomy; group e, gaster poured by ethanol after hypophrenic vagotomy and big small splanchnicotomy.the distribution of c fos positive neuron in central nervous system was displayed and immunohistochemical staining method was used.


Methods: Animals were randomly classified into 5 groups: group A, gaster poured by physiological solution; group B, gaster poured by ethanol; group C, gaster poured by ethanol after hypophrenic vagectomy; group D, gaster poured by ethanol after big small splanchnicotomy; group E, gaster poured by ethanol after hypophrenic vagotomy and big small splanchnicotomy.


The biomechanical tests showed that two kinds of artificial bones had not significant difference on compressive strength and Young\'s modulus(P>0.05),while the flexural strength of nano-nacre artificial bone was less than the control group(P<0.05).3.The results of CCK-8 showed that the difference were not significant in each group,the proliferation of osteoblast reached the peak at the 5th day;7 days after being co-cultured,the total protein content of study group was higher than control group and blank group(P<0.05),while the difference between control group and blank group was not significantP>0.05The difference of alkaline phosphatase activities among three groups was not significant(P>0.05The SEM view showed that osteoblast attached and grew well in two kinds of artificial bone.4.X-ray photography showed that two kinds of powder started to degrade in 2 weeks;this phenomenon became more appear in 4 weeks,nano-nacre powder degraded faster than micron-nacre powder,while the hole shadow was easy to be found;in 8 weeks,all the femoral holes recovered and returned to normal bone mineral density in all groups.Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone grew fastest around the bone defect area in study group,while most slowly in blank groupP<0.05 SEM(scanning electron microscope observation showed that nano-nacre powder degraded more quickly.The same result can be found through the demineralized sections morphometric analysis,and both of the composite artificial bones made from those two kinds of nacre powder had the good connection with the adjacent tissue in rats body without apparent inflammatory response.5.X-ray photography showed that rabbit\'s bone defects healed faster in study group since NNAB implanted than in control group since MNAB implanted.At 24 weeks after operation,bone density in radial defects had nearly accessed to the normal area,while lower in control group,and turned up nonunion in blank group;The checking of BMD showed that results in study group were higher than those in control group at 8,16 and 24 week(P<0.05), and the difference between the BMD values in study group at 24 week and those in blank group was not significant(P>0.05).The gross specimens showed satisfactory histocompatibility both in study group and in control group,with bone tissue growing from two sides into the center of implanted materials; Normal slices in HE stain and hard tissue grinding slices in Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin stain showed that the bone growth tendency was better in study group than that in control group,and the medullary cavity had been penetrated to the implanted materials in study group at 24 week;Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone in both groups grew fastest 8 weeks after surgery,while slow down at 16 week.

纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨分别与成骨细胞共培养后,其各时间点CCK-8法检测值与空白对照无显著差异(P>0.05),成骨细胞均在第5天达到增殖高峰期;培养7天后,实验组细胞蛋白含量高于对照组及空白组(P<0.05),后两者之间则无显著差异P>0.05碱性磷酸酶活性在三组间均无显著差异(P>0.05电镜下可见成骨细胞在两种人工骨上都有良好生长贴附能力。4.X-ray显示两种粉体在大鼠股骨骨洞植入第2周时都开始出现了降解,第4周时更为明显,纳米珍珠层粉较之微米珍珠层粉降解更快,而空白对照组骨洞阴影仍可见,至8周时,则所有组骨洞均己闭合修复,X-ray下已不可见原钻孔痕迹,恢复正常骨质密度;硬组织磨片四环素荧光双标记结果显示纳米珍珠层粉植入组较其余两组在骨缺损区周围新骨生长速度更快,空白组速度最慢P<0.05电镜观察及常规脱钙切片亦可见到纳米粉体降解较快;由以上两种原材料制得的纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨在大鼠体内均与周围组织结合良好,无明显炎症反应。5.X-ray显示纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入兔桡骨缺损区后其骨愈合速度较对照组微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入的快,至植入术后24周,实验组骨缺损区接近正常骨密度,对照组骨缺损区密度较低,空白组则呈现骨不连状态;骨密度测量结果显示术后8周、16周、24周实验组的骨密度值高于对照组(P<0.05,24周实验组的骨密度值与术前所测得的正常值无显著性差异P>0.05动物取材大体所见均显示组织相容性良好,骨组织逐渐由植入材料两端向中央生长;常规切片HE染色及硬组织磨片Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin联合染色均可见实验组骨缺损区长势优于对照组,至术后24周,实验组骨髓腔与材料已呈相交通状;硬组织磨片荧光显微镜下观察,两组材料在术后8周处于骨生长最快速时期,16周时速度开始减慢,术后4、8、16周时实验组的新骨生长速度均较对照组的快

After the traumatic Femur fracture patients before,during and after the coagulation of blood compared with normal adults in a hypercoagulable state and in operation,after more than pre-operative hypercoagulability.


It analyses the essential factors, structure, environment as well as functions of high-tech corporation system and compares the similarities and differences between high-tech corporation system and traditional corporation system; it analyses characteristics in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle as well as management roots which lead to the declination of high-tech corporation and researches into the similarities and differences between high-tech corporation lifecycle and other lifecycles, including traditional corporation lifecycle, industry lifecycle, product lifecycle and ecology lifecycle; it studies functional coupling in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle and puts forward ways to realize internal coupling of high-tech corporation system and external environment coupling; based on fundamental concepts of dissipative structure, it summarizes six inherent laws of system evolution and on the basis of those laws it advances six principles of high-tech corporation lifecycle management, it poses four sequential parameters of high-tech corporation system, analyses coordination and competition between them and then it advanced four principles of high-tech corporation management; it researches into various cycles in high-tech corporation and puts forward five measures of high-tech corporation management from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies the relations between carious innovation of high-tech corporation innovation system and sets up models of innovation motive forces and resistances, after that it analyses the alternation laws of innovation motive forces and resistances in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle, puts forward some measures to strengthen motive forces and lessen resistances and then from the angle of dissipative structure theory, it researches into relevant questions of high-tech corporation innovation management; it studies the location, identification, cultivation, cultivation and protection of high-tech corporation core competence and researches into the key elements of core competence management in each stage of lifecycle and then from the angle of synergetic, it discusses several questions of high-tech corporation core competence management; it studies seven common characteristics of successful high-tech corporation culture and puts forward the ways and measures to cultivate and innovate high-tech corporation culture after that it researches into the characteristics of corporation culture in each stage of lifecycle and discusses relevant questions of high-tech corporation culture management from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies interplay of high-tech corporation system and environment and researches into the development and management of high-tech corporation ecology system after that it analyses the construction and disintegration of high-tech corporation strategic alliance.


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After All It's Christmas
Ever After
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
After The Last Midtown Show
Walking After Midnight
Fifty Years After The Fair
After All
After 17
After Ever After
Always After You ('Til You Started After Me)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
