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Methods Ovarian GC DNA fragments of both atretic and developing follicles before and after estrogen (1 μg/ml), androgen (1 μg/ml) treatments were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The expression of bcl-2 mRNA was also determined by northern blotting in GC of developing follicle after sex steroids addition. Results Internucleosomal DNA cleavage occurred in granulosa cells in atretic follicles and after androgen treatment.

应用细胞培养、选择性DNA抽提和琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术分析闭锁卵泡和发育中卵泡颗粒细胞的凋亡状况,及雌激素(1 μg/ml)、雄激素(1 μg/ml)对体外培养发育中的卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡的作用;用Northern印迹杂交技术检测经雌、雄激素刺激后发育中的卵泡颗粒细胞bcl-2基因mRNA表达的变化。

Results Balanus visualization and penis retraction were showed 3 months after three-point fixation of the penis in 64 cases; penis came to visualization and became 2~3 cm longer after modified Devine's technique in 68 cases; while penis came to visualization and became 3~4 cm longer with good correction after modified Foreskin-Deglove and Shaft-Fix procedure in 80 cases.


Animals were randomly divided into four group: group 1, as control (n=8), without induction of epilepsy; group 2 (n=8), 30 min after intrahippocampal injection of benzylpenicillin; group 3 (n=8), 60min after intrahippocampal injection of benzylpenicillin; group 4 (n=10), 60 min after intrahippocampal injection of benzylpenicillin with EA treatment in the last 30 min (P60 +EA); At the end of each treatment, EEG of each animal was recorded and its RP was analyzed.


The four protozoa had different changing patterns in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soil. About 90 times more Colpoda were determined in rhizosphere than in nonrhizospher at 52 days after sowing. There were more Anweba in rhizosphere than in nonrhizosphere at 74 days after sowing. Much more Bodo were found in rhizosphere at 32 days alter corn sowing. However, the number of the Bodo in rhizosphere soil was only 10% of that in the nonrhizosphere soil at 52 days after sowing. Rhizosphere always contains more Cercomonas than nonrhizosphere within the whole growing season of corn.


Results Multidrug resistance could be detected in the tumor tissue after the injection of retrovirus around and into it.After filtration and centrifugalization,the concentrated supernatant was 2 times efficient than the original supernatant and P-GP expression was detected in 60% of the tumor cells.mdr1 mRNA expression in the tumor tissue was significantly increased after gene transfer as detected by RT-PCR.

结果 携带mdr1基因的逆转录病毒上清液注射后肿瘤模型产生多药耐药性,经过滤和离心浓缩的病毒上清液60%细胞表达P-GP,是病毒原液基因转移率的2倍;RT-PCR表明基因转移后,肿瘤组织内mdr1 mRNA的表达量明显增加。

Hippocrates after curing many diseases himself fell sick and died. The Chaldaei foretold the deaths of many, and then fate caught them too. Alexander, and Pompeius, and Caius Caesar, after so often completely destroying whole cities, and in battle cutting to pieces many ten thousands of cavalry and infantry, themselves too at last departed from life. Heraclitus, after so many speculations on the conflagration of the universe, was filled with water internally and died smeared all over with mud. And lice destroyed Democritus; and other lice killed Socrates.


RESULTS: Twelve days after mandibular vertical functional positioning the condylar height increased. Nine days after mandibular vertical functional positioning the thickness of prechondroblast layer and chondroblast layer increased significantly compared with control groups. However the thickness of hypertrophic layer decreased significantly after 6 days' mandibular repositioning. No change was found in the thickness of mesenchymal layer during the experimental period.


RESULTS: At 16 weeks after the compound of after-induced chondrogenetic BMSCs and SIS were transplanted, the materials had been completely absorbed and there were new cambium in the experimental group, which proved to be chondrocytes after hematoxylin-eosin stain, Massan stain and Toluidine blue dyeing.


The study showed the recombinant wt/mCREG protein depressed the VSMC proliferation depending on dose and the optimal concentration was 400nM;2biologic function of CREG protein and the membrance receptor mechanism:①effect on VSMC migration: the wound healing experiment showed the OB2 cells migration was slower significantly after added wt/mCREG(400Nm) in supernatant. The HITASY cells migration were very slowly and no remarkable change. The gelatinase digestion and Western blot analysis showed the matrix metalloproteinase was decreased and TIMPs was increased;②effect on differentiation: after added wt/mCREG(400nM), the expression of myocardin, SMα-actin, MHC and caldesmin were increased and that of LM-1 and FN were decreased in OB2 cells. These effects were more significant when adding wtCREG.;③effect on VSMC proliferation: Cell cycle assay and BrDU stain showed: after added the wtCREG and mCREG protein, the ratio of cell in G0/G1 phase increased to 0.5773 and 0.5572 from 0.5308 respectively in OB2 group, which increased to 0.7369 and 0.7034 respectively from 0.6297 in HITASY group;3Role of M6P/IGF2R in CREG biologic function:①ELISA and co-immunoprecipitation showed the wt/mCREG binding to M6P/IGF2R directly.②antibody blocking test: when the anti-IGF2R was added to medium at the same time with wt/mCREG at different concentration(2μg/mL、4μg/mL、8μg/mL),the effects of CREG protein which depressing proliferation, migration, secretion and promoting differentiation were blocked, which had the positive correlation to the concentration of added anti body. The studies showed two combinant CREG promoted VSMC switch to differentiation phaenotype, at the same time, depress VSMC proliferation, migration and secreting extracellular matrix.

上述实验结果证实:两种重组CREG蛋白对VSMC增殖均有剂量依赖性的抑制作用,并且相同浓度的糖基化的CREG蛋白对细胞增殖的抑制效应更为显著,最佳效应浓度为400nM;2两种重组CREG蛋白添加后对HITASY和OB2细胞生物学行为的影响:①CREG蛋白对VSMC迁移的影响:刮伤实验发现,加入最佳效应浓度的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白24h后,OB2组迁移能力下降,HITASY组无明显变化;细胞外基质金属蛋白酶-2,9(Matrix metallo-proteinase 2,9,MMP2 ,9)明胶酶电泳检测和Western blot检测结果证实,两种CREG蛋白均可以使OB2细胞合成细胞外基质MMP2,9减少,而组织金属蛋白酶抑制物(Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases,TIMPs)增加;②CREG蛋白对VSMC分化的影响:加入400nM的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白12h后,OB2细胞myocardin、SMα-actin、MHC、caldesmin表达增加,LM-1、FN表达减少;③流式细胞仪分析细胞周期和BrDU染色分析证实,加入400nM的wtCREG和mCREG蛋白后,OB2组G0/G1期细胞由0.5308分别增加至0.5773和0.5572,HITASY组G0/G1期细胞由0.6297分别增加至0.7369和0.7034;3M6P/IGF2R在重组CREG蛋白的生物学功能中的调控作用:①免疫共沉淀和免疫荧光双染色分析结果显示,CREG蛋白与M6P/IGF2R存在直接结合;②应用抗体阻断实验:将不同浓度的anti- M6P/IGF2R(2、4、8μg /mL)与两种CREG蛋白同时加入培养液中,CREG蛋白抑制VSMC增值、迁移和合成细胞外基质、促进分化的效应减弱,而且与加入anti- M6P/IGF2R浓度正相关。

By the accurate appraisal of 16sDNA,confirmed it as Bacillus subtilis of Bacillus Cohn. Measured the biological activity:the strain entered into the stationary stage after be cultivated after 18 hours ,and after 30 hours entered into the contabescence stage.


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Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
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Fifty Years After The Fair
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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
