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In every group, rabbits were subdivided into experimental and control subgroups. 2 Rabbits were bullets injected followed by continuous injected with 13C labeled leucine, glucose, and lactic acid; 3 Blood were drewed before and 150, 160, 170, and 180 min after the initiation of isotopes injection for material analysis; 4 Exhale gas were collected every 5 min in the first 30 min followed by every 30 min there after for material analysis; 5 After centrifuge in low temp the supernatant of the blood samples were collected and went through axon and anon exchange column treatment; 6 Treated blood sample was used for 13C labeled leucine, glucose lactic acid examination through mass spectrograph; 7 The exhale gas was collected for 13CO2 exam through gas-phase mass spectrograph; 8 CO2 total production rate (V13CO2), body various substances production, oxidation speed, and substances metabolic percentage all can be calculated through equations provided by references below; 9 Data was processed through student t test.


objectiveto investigate the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic duodenal rupture.methodthe clinical data of 13 patients with traumatic duodenal rupture hospitalized from may 1991 to december 2008 were retrospectively analyzed,and the material cause was automobile accident mainly.resultsin these 13 patients,after hospitalization,6 cases were diagnosed in 3 hours,4 cases were diagnosed in 24~72 hours,and 3 cases were diagnosed after 72 hours.three cases with duodenal cleft repair,2 cases with duodenal ostomy,2 cases with duodenum and jejunum roux-en-y anastomosis,1 case with duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with meliorative duodenal diverticular surgery,1 case with duodenal broken ends closure and anastomosis of stomach with jejunum,1 case with duodenal distal closure and anastomosis of duodenal local with jejunum,and 2 cases with resections of pancreas duodenum.after the operation,6 cases (46.2%) appeared some complications of wound infection,duodenal fistula,digestive tract hemorrhage,pancreatic fistula,abdomen infection and so on.two cases (15.4%) died from multiple system organ failure and septic shock.conclusionthe early diagnosis and correct operation style selection are the keys for duodenal rupture.

目的:探讨外伤性十二指肠破裂的诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾分析外伤性十二指肠破裂患者13例临床资料。结果:入院后3 h内确诊6例,24~72 h内确诊4例,72 h后确诊3例。3例行十二指肠裂口修补,2例行十二指肠造瘘,2例行十二指肠空肠roux-en-y吻合,1例行十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行改良十二指肠憩室化手术,1例行十二指肠两断端关闭、胃空肠吻合,1例行十二指肠远端关闭、近端与空肠端侧吻合,2例行胰十二指肠切除术。术后6例(46.2%)出现切口感染、十二指肠瘘、消化道出血、胰瘘或腹腔感染等并发症,2例(15.4%)患者死亡,分别死于多器官系统衰竭和感染中毒性休克。结论:早期诊断与正确的术式选择是成功救治外伤性十二指肠破裂的关键。

The Armenians keep it on Monday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost (Armenian Menology, 11 May), because they believe the Holy Innocents were killed fifteen weeks after the birth of Christ.

亚美尼亚人继续对周一之后,第二个周日后五旬(亚美尼亚menology , 5月11日),因为他们相信教廷无辜者被杀害15个星期后,耶稣的诞生。

The first part - introduction, metasomatism background, The second part, after 80 consumption group consumption psychology and behavior, The third part, through the description of the second part after 80 consumer groups to reveal the influence of different aspects of advertising creative, The fourth part, through the front of modern advertisement should be further discussed how to innovate, seize after 80 consumer groups.


The tumefaction extents of back metatarsus of rats before and after inflammation, times of every mouse twist in 30 minutes after celiac injection (0.7% glacial acetic acid 10 mL·kg-1), times of abnormal excretion in 1-6 h after pouring the senna, respectively, were observed.

分别观察致炎前和致炎后大鼠足跖肿胀程度、腹腔注射0.7%冰醋酸10 mL·kg-1后30 min内每只小鼠扭体反应发生次数及灌服潘泻叶后1~6 h内小鼠排异常便次数。

The azocyclotin belongs to the medium toxic miticide, the original medicine big mouse acute after mouth LD50 is 76-180mg/kg, acute after skin LD50 is 1000mg/kg, the mouse acute after mouth LD50 is 417-980mg/kg.


The time interval of the pigmentation of JBM and JBW were nearly the same, both began to pigmentize 30min after moulting, and the body color was stable until 6h after moulting, the pigmentation of obdomen was slower than wing pad. After 6h, JBW was totally brown, and JBM was black, JBW was black only one or two days before emergence.


The static shape of tongue after reconstruction with submentalental island flap were acceptable. the dynamic function such as movement, speech and swallowing, were all well reformed. cheek mucosity were velvet and has no plump or overstaffed . 4 patients were all given radiotherapy after operation.the figuration and function of tissue defect region,that reconstructed, had no obviously change after radiotherapy.


During December 1st 2006 to May 30th 2007, data collection was conducted by the semi-structural in-depth interviews and questionnaires of Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, social support scale and Parental Stress Index to repeatedly measure 14 primipara and multipara in three time periods: the first week after the birth, the first week after the infant is transferred out, and the first week after they go home.


objective to discuss perioperative complication and management of patient with high risk copd following esophagectomy.methods 45 patients with high risk copd underwent esophagectomy with epidural block combined with general anesthesia.perioperative treatment included smoking cessation,chest physiotherapy,prevention and control of infection of air way and appropriate bronchodilators of air way,breathing exercises,nutrition support and oxygen therapy.painkiller was instilled after surgery,early exercises,ensuring unobstruction of the air way,mechanical ventilation was applied when needed.results 3 had hypoxaemia in operation.after surgery,all patients had spo2 somewhat declined.6 had lung infection.6 were removed of bronchial secretion by bronchoscope.2 were supported by ventilator by using intubation.2 underwent tracheotomy.1 had disturbances of acid base balance and treated by using hydrochloric acid muriatic acid.all patients recovered rather smoothly and discharged from hospital.conclusion high risk copd is not the absolute contraindication of esophagectomy.active management before and after surgery ensures the safety and recovery of patients.

目的 探讨重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病简称慢阻肺病人食管切除术围手术期常见并发症及其处理。方法 45例重度慢阻肺的病人在全麻联合硬膜外阻滞下进行开胸食管切除手术,围手术期处理包括术前戒烟、胸部理疗、预防和控制呼吸道感染、解痉化痰、呼吸功能锻炼、营养支持和氧疗;术后硬膜外镇痛、早期锻炼、保持呼吸道通畅,部分病人予以呼吸支持。结果术中3例出现低氧血症。术后所有病人pao2均有不同程度的下降,6例出现肺部感染,6例行纤维支气管镜吸痰,2例通过气管插管给予呼吸机支持,2例行气管切开术,1例酸碱平衡紊乱使用盐酸精氨酸治疗。所有病人均痊愈出院。结论重度慢阻肺病人并非开胸食管切除手术的绝对禁忌证,积极的术前准备和严格的术后管理可减少和控制术后急性发作,有助于确保此类病人的围手术期安全和康复。

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After All It's Christmas
Ever After
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
After The Last Midtown Show
Walking After Midnight
Fifty Years After The Fair
After All
After 17
After Ever After
Always After You ('Til You Started After Me)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
