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与 after-born 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presented the research and exploration of mechanism and technics as well as the design of the magnetic circuit of this new compound machining, based on above, establishing the parameter model, meantime, analyzing influential effects on productivity of magnetic and EDM compound machining the holes through large numbers of experiments, including velcoity contrast experiments of pre-compound and after-compound machining with the change of current, velcoity contrast experiments of pre-compound and after-compound machining with the change of magnetic induction, velcoity contrast experiments of pre-compound and after-compound machining with the change of impulse width, experiments of the superficial roughness, experiments of the Electrode wastage, and intersectant experiments analysis as well as the change experiments of current waveforms. Through a number of experiments we analysed the influential effects of magnetic and EDM compound machining, compared the factors with EDM by oneself. A large of experiment records and deducibility have demonstrated that the productivity of magnetic and EDM compound machining is developed by 20%~400% than traditional EDM.


RESULTS: After ischemia-reperfusion injury, the rats had hydrouria, urine osmotic pressure depress, symptoms of carnine and urea nitrogen increasing. HE staining demonstrated that renal tubular epithelial cells were swelling, necrosis, and desquamate. Aquaporin-1 expression and its mRNA level was decreased; in particular, the expression and level were the lowest at day 1 after ischemia-reperfusion injury and recovered to normal value at day 5 after ischemia-reperfusion injury.

结果:大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注损伤后出现尿量增多、尿渗透压降低,血肌苷、尿素氮升高症状;苏木精-伊红染色示肾小管上皮细胞肿胀、坏死、脱落;水通道蛋白表达量及其mRNA含量均较对照组减少,这些变化于缺血再灌注损伤 1 d时最低,至缺血再灌注损伤 5 d时恢复正常。

objective:to investigate the therapeutic action of somatostatin in pancreatic leakage after pancreaticoduodenectomy.methods: to collect 100 patients with pancreaticoduodenectomy during 2003~2006,contrast 44 patients use somatostatin after pancreaticoduodenectomy as experimental group,and 56 patients with conventional therapy as control group.results:there were no pancreatic leakage case in the modified group of 44 cases.3 cases complicating pancreatic leakage occurd in control group,and the proportion of pancreatic leakage are different examined by statistic mathord.conclusions:use somatostatin after pd can restrain organism excrete diastase vera,and help anastomotic stoma to concrescent and decrease pancreatic leakage;pancreatic leakage should be treated by different grades,grade 1 can be cured by persistent drainage with somatostatin and nutritional support;grade 2 should be pay more energetic intervention.

作者单位:潍坊医学院,潍坊 261042;潍坊市人民医院肝胆外科,潍坊 261042 目的:探讨生长抑素在胰十二指肠切除术后减少胰漏的作用。方法:收集2003年1月~2006年12月施行pd患者100例,术后应用生长抑素持续泵入病人44例,并与同期施行的pd术后常规应用全肠外营养及抗生素治疗病人56例,结果进行了对比观察。结果:实验组病人44例无1例发生胰漏,对照组56例病人,3例发生不同程度的胰漏,发生率5.3%,统计学比较有显著差异(p<0.05)。结论: pd后应用生长抑素持续泵入可以抑制胰酶的作用,使胰肠吻合口较好地愈合,从而有效地减少胰漏的发生;胰漏可进行分级治疗,ⅰ级胰漏采用通畅引流为主,同时使用生长抑素和营养支持等治疗多可治愈,ⅱ级胰漏需要积极治疗。

On the membrane of liver parenchymal cell and endothelial cell ×12 000;Fig 4 3 h after Cd-injection:ER extremely dilatant,mitochondria swollen,a lot of Ce-H2O2 precipitation on the membrane of PC,EC and Kupffer'scell ×15 000;Fig 5 6 h after Cd-injection:in irreversible state,hepato-cytoplasm clear,few organelle,a few Ce-H2O2 precipitation on the membrane of PC and eC ×5 500;Fig 6 24 h after Cd-injection:hepatocyte plasmotorrhexis,membrane of

ce呈点状沉积在肝实质细胞、内皮细胞膜上×12 000;图4 染镉后3小时:ER极度扩张,线粒体膨胀,内外膜模糊不清;见大量Ce沉积在PC、EC和Kupffer's细胞膜上×15 000;图5 染镉后6小时:处于不可逆改变状态的肝细胞胞浆清亮,少有细胞器;仍可见少量Ce沉积在PC和EC膜上×5 500;图6 染镉后24小时:可见破碎的肝细胞,胞内膜结构大多已不清晰;未见Ce的沉积×7 000

The third part decides after deliberation the power through the analysis administration freely to decide after deliberation the question freely in our country law manifesting with our country administration which in the power monitoring exists, decided after deliberation the power disassimilation to our country administration the reason to carry on the profound analysis freely.


Univariate analysis revealed that a high incidence of early epileptic seizures after intracerebral hemorrhage ocurred in patients with cortical hemorrhage, the medical history of intracerebral hemorrhage, electrolyte disbalance. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the position of hemorrhage and times of hemorrhage and electrolytic states were positively correlated with the incidence of early epileptic seizures after intracerebral hemorrhage. The cortical hemorrhage was the independent risk factor for the early epileptic seizures after intracerebral hemorrhage.


1 Day after injury ruptured capillary could be seen in ganglion cell layer, 4 weeks after injury cells in each layer arranged sparsely and disorderedly, in some RGCs chromatin became dense, 8 weeks after injury the cells in each layer became fewer and large amount of RGCs without nucleus could be seen.

3光镜下伤后1 d视网膜神经节细胞层出血,伤后4周视网膜各层细胞稀疏、排列欠整齐,GCL散在核染色质浓集、边聚的节细胞,伤后8周视网膜各层细胞明显减少,GCL内大量空化节细胞。

The relationship between molecular modification of erythromycin and NMR chemical shifts was summarized. It's noticeable that downfield of shifts of H-3 (△δ 0.2) after silylation and upfield of shifts (△δ-0.4) after methylation. No changes were observed after methylation.


As can be seen, the beneficiary could have drawn the 10 percent installment against invoice and draft only immediately after the bill of lading was issued, but the beneficiary and we agreed that the beneficiary should not take advantage of the situation, as we had no doubt that what the drafter of the credit meant by "within 7 months after the B/L date" was "7 months after the B/L date".


Some conclusions are followed:(1)the reaction ratio of boron is 12% in primary combustion;(2)the degree of agglomeration can be decreased adopting boron coated with AP;(3)the content of oxygen is very important for afterburning efficiency;(4)the afterburning efficiency will be changed with different air-gas ratio;(5)the head distance of after-burning chamber is increasing, the circumfluence in the head of after-burning chamber is stronger and the distribution of fuel backward the after-burning chamber is more well-proportioned.(6)the combustion efficiency of DR will be improved by increasing the area of fuel nozzle.(7)the angle between dual air-inlets have complex influence with the combustion of DR.


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Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
