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Fig 1 At the experimental side, two weeks after operation (HE ×100) Many pieces of cartilage cells and spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells were found, by light microscope Fig 2 At the experimental side, twelve weeks after operation (HE ×100) Medullary cavity had formed, which contained hemoblasts and adipocytes, but the trabculae was not typical, by light microscope Fig 3 At the experimental side, twenty-four weeks after operation (HE ×100) The typical cancellous bone had formed, by light microscope Fig 4 At the control side, twenty-four weeks after operation (HE ×100) A large part of CXB was degraded, resorbed and replaced by fibrous tissue, but there was'not any new formed bone, by light mocroscope

图1 实验侧术后2周(HE ×100)镜下可见很多软骨细胞条索和团块生成及大量梭形间充质细胞图2 实验侧术后12周(HE ×100)镜下可见有髓腔形成,内含有造血和脂肪细胞,骨小梁尚不典型图3 实验侧术后24周(HE ×100)镜下可见形成典型的松质骨结构图4 对照侧术后24周(HE ×100)镜下可见大部分CXB被降解吸收,为纤维组织替代,无新骨形成

Say 「good bye」差点不加思索的脱口而出如果你没有溜走我并不想失去你 my on mind 我是如此的爱著你呀所有的一切皆是liaison在心底深处 I need you baby 嘶吼著 every night 虽然疑问折磨著我还是能听见 Love forever and only one 你的声音说著 just next stage resume and "Revive"曾混乱不堪的思考回路慢慢的将它解开你的声音说著 Don't stop 明明泪水以热泪盈眶 Say 「good bye」竟不加思索的脱口而出如果你没有溜走我并不想失去你 my on mind 我是如此的爱著你呀某处faraway Do you mind if I open the door 嘶吼著 every night 以及挑战不安的心我还是能听见Love forever and only one 你的声音说著 just next stage resume and "Revive"所有的一切皆是liaison在心底深处 I need you baby 嘶吼著 every night 虽然疑问折磨著我还是能听见 Love forever and only one 你的声音说著 just next stage resume and "Revive" Tonight I Feel Close To You Close my eyes and feel your mind Time has passed I walked like a shadow Never knew What I am going through You touch my heart and take my breath away Wispier on the wind so softly Let the bright stars fill out dreams with love Reach for your hand and you show me the way Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a friend, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one (I wish we could stay forever as one) All the tears that haunt my past You promised It'll be better tomorrow play that song You and I listened to And let it gently ease our pain Tender rain drops from the blue sky Flowers blooming, life is so divine like sunlight on a stream (you're holding my key) You show the world to me Tonight, I feel close to you You open my door and light the sky above When I need a freand, you are there right by my side I wish we could stay as one So much love in this beautiful world Search for the brightest star in the sky You will find the meaning of love Don't be afraid (Don't be afraid) Just be yourself We need this love...

Time after time 如果上天让我们再次相见我决不会再松开你的手在这个宣告春去的佛之花殿朦胧的花朵一瓣飘零记忆中的歌缓缓苏醒至今在胸中温柔回荡 time after time 和你的相遇是奇迹在那微风扑面的城市轻轻的牵起手走过长长的坡道至今无法忘记的约定在风中传来你的声音遥远的记忆冰般澄澈许下了誓言无惧伤害总会有一天我们在此笑颜重逢在这粉红的季节 time after time 独自在飞花烂漫的城市就算落花凋零无法挽回也在这不变的景色中如同昔日我在泪光中守侯着你轻舞飞扬的花瓣安抚着水面愈想珍惜就愈想你人们都说自己是孤独的却都不能停止寻找依托结果只找到了脆弱的虚幻 time after time 若能在初红的街上与你重逢就不再需要承诺比任何人都容易受伤的你这次我一定永远陪伴你身边 Puzzle 今晚果然也还是一个人走出房间一个人看电视没有值得自己笑的地方不是谁的错已经没有什么了,以无所谓的面容转移对你的视线了分手了潜入谷底,还是等待对方的电话相互把名字写到信箱里心系在一起无论如何也消失不掉曾经我们总是肩并肩坚强的活着即使心走不到一起成了没有结束的谜团理所当然总是在我身边但是就到此为止就好对于我不足的地方,你再想寻找一个伴侣这样的谜团今夜果然还是一个人走出房门半夜2点多收到你的的电话信号只是留言的嘟嘟声言叶选ぶ马上切断给你留言虽然想一个人继续下去,但是一个人的日子已经厌倦已经习惯了2人的生活为什么无话可说,自己为了什么而活着?

Measure the items on before and after the two courses of treatment respectively as follows:① Syndromes Investigation: to adopt the scoring methods of symptoms and signs with the certain standard scoring table of symptoms and classifying table of signs for the patients, on the day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively ,② Signs Investigation: the mucoma visibility, swelling or hyperemia conditions, or gloyp and polypoid change in the inferior and middle nasal conchas, nasal septum, etc with a nasal endoscope on the day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively,③ Test of the lung functiaon on the previous day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively.


Measure the items on before and after the two courses of treatment respectively (one course for 15 days) as follows:①Syndromes Investigation: to adopt the scoring methods of symptoms and signs with the certain standard scoring table of symptoms and classifying table of signs for the patients, on the day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively,②Signs Investigation: the mucoma visibility, swelling or hyperemia conditions, or gloyp and polypoid change in the inferior and middle nasal conchas, nasal septum, etc with a nasal endoscope on the day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively,③Test of the interferon-γ、interleukine-4(IL-4) in serum of patients by the method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay on the previous day before and after the two courses of treatment respectively.


The extracellular amino acid neurotransmission levels in hippocampus of free-moving rats were detected by microdialysis with HPLC.3. Results:(1) The extracellular GAB A concentration in the CA1 area decreased immediately after the administration of PTZ but increased at about 3d after PTZ injection and lasted about 2 weeks. However, Glu level increased remarkably after the PTZ injection and decreased at 3d until 14d after PTZ injection.

结果: (1)在发作期,细胞外液GABA的浓度为38119.7±912.7nmol/L,较发作前明显下降,在发作后3天升高,发作后14天仍有升高;而Glu的浓度在发作期为4742.0±201.2nmol/L,较发作前升高,在发作后3天下降,瘫痛大鼠海马区细胞外液氨基酸的动态变化和托毗酷对癫痛大鼠辛l〕经元损伤的保护作用中文提要在发作后14天仍低于发作期。

It is because we are now able to access to such information is found in the West of the early AIDS, found that many medical and health workers, including doctors and nurses in the treatment of patients in the process of hand-cut their own, such things happen in the future, the following tested for some time, at the same time after the incident in the day asking them to record their feelings, or performance, but in such a strict observation of the circumstances, some people think that after the incident in this period of time there is a species is similar to a very mild cold symptoms have passed very quickly, of course, after this part of the personnel to prove that he is infected, in turn, we believe that after infection some people have such a performance, but the actual There are a considerable number of people simply do not feel.


Which play a major role in the pathological changes of restenosis after angioplasty But AT2 receptor is only expressed abundantly in the fetal vasculature with rapid decline after birth and the level of re-expression in the adult vasculature after injury is very low So there are little understanding about the actions of AT2 receptor in vascular diseases, especially in the restenosis after injury.

在寻致或加重VSMC增殖和迁移诸多因素中,血管紧张素Ⅱ所介导的生物学作用是其中重要的因素之一。AngⅡ具有多种生物学作用,其作用的多样性是通过其受体的多样性介导的,目前已确定的AngⅡ受体至少有两型,即AngⅡ 1型受体(AT1R)和AngⅡ 2型受体(AT2R)。

Aiming to solve the shortcoming in the prior art that any on-line DCF dispersion compensation technology is not provided for long distance, and the nonlinear effect in the dispersion compensation technology is restrained, the invention provides the dispersion compensation method, which includes the steps that after a sending end implements electric pre-compensation treatment on a digital signal to be transmitted, a control electric/optical converter module outputs a distorted optical signal; after receiving the optical signal, a receiving end conducts a post compensation treatment after converting the optical signal into an electric signal, or converts the optical signal into the electric signal after implementing the post compensation treatment.


The whole process for the adoption of the original rough cut grid after sewage upgrade sewage pump upgrade, the grid or screen rate cut, after entering desilting tank, the sand separation of sewage water into the initial sedimentation tanks, more than one address, Shen early pool of water into the biological treatment facilities, activated sludge and biofilm,(which activated sludge of the reactor have aeration tanks, oxidation ditch, biofilm law, including biological filter, biological Wheel, biological Contact oxidation and biological CFB), The sedimentation tank sludge back to the initial part of sedimentation tanks or biological processing equipment, part of concentrated sludge into the pool, after digesting sludge into the pool, after dehydration and drying equipment, the sludge was last used


NSC-7 could degrade 73.6% of rice straw within 14 d. 10 kinds of material were detected in volatile products by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, and they were mainly acetic acid, glycerol, butyric acid, and propanoic acid. NSC-7 could retain stable degrading ability and high cellulase activity after preserved in -80℃ and freeze-drying for four years. It could remain its degrading ability after 90℃ of high temperature treating for 30 min, and resume its degrading ability after subcultured 2 times after 105℃ of high temperature treating for 30 min in autoclave.

NSC-7在14 d的培养过程中,使稻秆分解73.6%;用GC-MS测定结果发酵液中检测到10种化合物成分,其中峰值较大的依次为乙酸、甘油、丁酸、丙酸; NSC-7在-80℃冷冻和冻干条件下保存4年后仍具有稳定的秸秆分解能力和纤维素内切酶活性;经90℃高温处理30 min后,仍能够保持分解能力, 105℃处理30 min后转接2次就能恢复分解能力,显示出很高的保存稳定性和热稳定性。

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After All It's Christmas
Ever After
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
After The Last Midtown Show
Walking After Midnight
Fifty Years After The Fair
After All
After 17
After Ever After
Always After You ('Til You Started After Me)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
