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It is distinctive to comparative color aberration after exposure (exposure area and non-exposure area ), easy to check board .


The appearance of firefighter's clothing after flame engulfment was also analyzed. The analysis indicated that the more integrity the inner layer of clothing had after exposure, without brittleness and shrinkage, the more protection the clothing was. At the same time, the accessories on the firefighter's clothing were also crucial, especially for membrane and retro-reflective stripes. If they shrink in the exposure of flame, the protection of the clothing would reduce.


For one month after exposure, TBT could induce the depletion of colloid and vacuolation. And for two months after exposure, the incidence of follicle malformation also significantly increased, the relative transverse thyroid gland area and follicle area decreased sharply, and the number of follicle did not show any significant changes.


First, we found that after exposure to 60℃ for 5 and 30 min ,culturable L. pneumophila concentration reduced 4 and 6 log CFU/mL, and the loss of cell membrane integrity was 56 % and 83 %, respectively. However, the total concentration was not affected. These results indicate heat exposure decreases the culturability of L. pneumophila significantly.Second, heated L.

结果显示,退伍军人菌(108 cells/ml)於60℃受热5分钟与30分钟后,可培养浓度分别下降了4 log CFU/ml与6 log CFU/ml,而细胞膜完整性则分别下降56 %与83 %,但未造成总细菌浓度之改变,故可知受热60℃主要影响细菌的可培养性。

All kind of structure changes do not occur at the same time, for example the epithelial desquamation occurring after exposure for 1 week and sub- epithelial fibrosis occurring after exposure for 8 weeks, and it is incomplete that the prevention of inhaled corticosteroids on airway remodeling. So inhaled corticosteroids should be introduced to treat asthma as early as it possible.


Results After EMR exposure, mitochondria swelled, the number of lysosome increased, nuclear chromatin marginated in neurocytes and neuroglial cells of the hippocampus and MrD. After exposure to EMR 1~3 h, surrounding space of capillarity enlarged and some endothelium cells of capillarity swelled; after the exposure 4~5 h, surrounding space of capillarity enlarged partially and vacuoles formed in endothelium cells.

结果 电磁辐射照射后,海马、边缘区组织中神经元、神经胶质细胞线粒体肿胀、溶酶体增多、核染色质边集;照射后即刻、1~3h毛细血管周围间隙增大,少数血管内皮细胞肿胀,4~sh毛细血管周围间隙部分增大,血管内皮细胞有空泡形成。

Methods Of 14 normal male Japanese white rabbits (aged approximately 4 months), 7 were subjected to vasal ligation near the cauda epididymidis after exposure of the testis and vas deferens via a scrotal incision, and the other 7 subjected to vasectomy after exposure of the vas in the inguinal canal through a small ventral midline incision.


Not just "flower" but "California poppy," and later, after exposure has stimulated an interest in plants, we can introduce the botanical names and further classification—such as kinds of leaf margins or flower corollas. Exposure to plants and animals initiates many important discussions which a wide vocabulary can enrich and make more satisfying.


Elegans were significantly decreased after exposure to ENIs(p.05); also the brood size and the lifespan of C. elegans were significantly reduced after exposure to ENIs(p.05). Moreover, after exposure to ENIs, the lifespan of mev-1 mutant hermaphrodites was shorter than that of wild type(p.05), indicating that mev-1 gene mutant could result in more sensitivity of the mutant hermaphrodites to ENIs exposure than the wild type.


In the present study, CHL cells were cultured routinely in MEM medium for 3 days. Then the cells were treated with sham exposure , 0.4mT 50 Hz sinusoidal MF , 0.4mT noise MF and the combined noise and 50Hz MF for 3 min and 15min, respectively. After exposure, the cells were lysed, and the proteins were extracted.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
