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与 african-american 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Carbonado diamond, or more commonly known as the black diamond, is mined from the Central African Republic and Brazil.


A South African information technology company on Wednesday proved it was faster for them to transmit data with a carrier pigeon than to send it using Telkom, the country's leading internet service provider.


Catamite Coolies and Chinese Sodoms : British Investigations into Chinese Labourers Sexuality in the 19th 20th Centuries Ross Forman School of Oriental and African Studies A common accusation levelled against Chinese labourers brought to various British colonies at the end of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century was that they were undesirable because of their penchant for pederasty .


It was one of the largest subspecies of lion ever to have existed, comparable in size to the Early Middle Pleistocene primitive cave lion, Panthera leo fossilis , and about twenty-five percent larger than the modern African lion [1] , though some estimates of the weight of this animal are as high as 300 kg.

拟狮是其最大的狮亚种,拟狮和更新世的原始洞狮( Panthera leo fossilis ,大于现代非洲狮约25 %,[ 1 ] ,估计重量这个动物是可达300公斤。

Cecil: And this, of course, is the Hall of African Mammals.


The early years of the 20th centaury would see the creation of the African National Congress lead by the former Emperors of Ethiopia, seen as many in the black community as symbols of resistance for their long efforts to prevent Ottoman conquest of Ethiopia.


This cup has features characteristic of the African-influenced group known as 'polished incised ware'.


Some of the seeding grasses that may be used are, Johnston grass, African Veldt grass, Chickweed, Winter grass, Guinea grass, Milk Thistle and Shepherds Purse.

一些播种牧草,可用于正,庄士敦基层,非洲veldt基层, chickweed ,冬季种草,几内亚草,牛奶。

He renounced his claim to the chieftainship because he didn't want to oppress the people as a ruler. In 1944,he joined the African National Congress, known as ANC, a black-liberation group ,and in 1949 he became one of its leaders , helping to revitalize the organization and opposing the apartheid policies South Africa's official system of segregation and discrimination against the country's nonwhite majority. In 1960, after the police shot more than 200 unarmed black protesters at Sharpeville and the government banned the ANC, Mandela abandoned his nonviolent stance and began to advocate acts of sabotage.


He says child labor is an especially serious problem in West African countries.


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African Moon
African Night Flight
African Friend
African Pride
I'm A African
African Sunrise
African Suite
African Queen
The African Way
Dance Like An African

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
