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Though he would have been appalled if he'd thought an y of his fellow Generals knew it,Sabatier's advice had been behind much of wh at Bogoto had done over the years: who he'd favoured amongst his subordinates, and who he'd demoted; even,on occasion,how he'd run some of his military cam paigns.


Of course, when predicting sporting events, always follow the advice of Damon Runyon, who said, The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.


He says the advice there is to have at least two thousand four hundred dollars for twelve months in the United States.


If you require any advice or help in caring for a child with a visual impairment, of any age, registered or not, please contact either your G.P., Health Visitor or Rehabilitation Officer for People with Visual Impairment at your local Social Services Department.


Turkiye halk bankasi a.s Gaziantep commercial branch Degirmicem mah.gazimuhtarpasa bulvari presrij is merkezi alti No:5/6 sehitkamil Gaziantep/turkiye 3- in case of nonutilazation of this credit totally or partially pls.cancel the credit or unutilized balance under tested telex/auth.swift advice to us.

Turkiye halk bankasi a.s Gaziantep 商业广告部门 Degirmicem mah.gazimuhtarpasa bulvari presrij 是 merkezi alti 不:5/6 sehitkamil Gaziantep/turkiye 3-假使这信用的 nonutilazation 完全地或部份地 pls.cancel 信用或在测试的电报/auth.swift 忠告之下对我们不利用平衡。

However, it has been certificated by the glorious practice of Chinese revolution and construct that there would be no victory of Chinese revolution and construct without the advice of the world view and methodology of Marxism philosophy.

然而 ,中国共产党领导中国人民革命和建设的光辉历程证明,没有马克思主义哲学世界观和方法论的指导,就没有中国革命和建设的成就。

But the view from the estate would not be as spectacular if Jefferson had followed Palladio's advice there really is no boundary between the house and the nature around it and so Jefferson was able to look out on his beloved state of Virginia from his wonderful vantage point Now we'll go on to Jefferson's library


So, our advice to OECD countries is do not go there," Ash said."


According to tradition, she lavished her wise advice on King Numa Pompilius who succeeded Romulus, and became a legendary source of inspiration to the art world, as well as shrewd advisor to politicians and muse to poets and writers.

传说中,她是罗穆卢斯的继承人King Numa Pompilius的智囊,也是艺术界的灵感泉源、政客的精明顾问、诗人和作家的缪斯。

Cardinal legate Julian Cesarini declared that an oath made to an infidel was not binding, and a crusade was organized against the advice of Hunyadi.


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Nothing But Time
Under The Hammer
Tired Eyes
Heart-Shaped Box
Heart-Shaped Box
Sound Advice
Good Advice
Good Advice
Tired Eyes
Heart Shaped Box

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
