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与 adverse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter;the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.


When embossing district zhaiyanzhen rubberand drum RADIUS plus the paper thickness is greater than the radius of embossing drum cylinder, paper margin rubber drum circle distance greater than the RADIUS for the imprint of the rollers, paper for the cylinder body relative to the surface of the cylinder of nano-imprint lithography drum slide forward, imprinted deformation and dot gain no significant adverse effects.


Those parent abalones of wild or artificial selection with good economic characters must be chosen in order to avoid close breeding.. Correct breeding techniques must be adopted to obtain excellent germ cells and larvae. The survival rate and disease resistance of juvenile abalone can be remarkably increasedonce the further selecting and culturing are carried out. The rejuvenation is realized once a good breeding condition for the young and parent abalones is created, the adverse culturing condition and technical maloperation are reduced or eliminated. The survival rate of the breeding and young abalonesincrease about 28.9%-31.2%, the survival rate of the grown abalones is high up to 85%-90%.


Those parent abalones of wild or artificial selection with good economic characters must be chosen in order to avoid close breeding.. correct breeding techniques must be adopted to obtain excellent germ cells and larvae. the survival rate and disease resistance of juvenile abalone can be remarkably increased once the further selecting and culturing are carried out. the rejuvenation is realized once a good breeding condition for the young and parent abalones is created, the adverse culturing condition and technical maloperation are reduced or eliminated. the survival rate of the breeding and young abalones increase about 28.9%-31.2%, the survival rate of the grown abalones is high up to 85%-90%.


In the process of cognitive activity, attention is closely related to other cognitive functions, and it is the controller of psychological activity, the study on the attention features and disorders would help the addiction abstainers and there family members to better eliminate the clues and stimulants related to drugs that can bring addicts adverse effects.


Most of the listed companies are transformed from state-owned enterprises that lead to lots of adverse aftermaths such as listed company's mother company, or rather, majority shareholder's company has a lot of bad assets and heavy burden to provide social welfare for its staffs.


Adverse effects associated with short-term gonadorelin agonists are common, but are rarely serious enough to require drug withdrawal .


Addition of ascorbate or desferrioxamine increased some of the iron-induced adverse effects.


Results: after one course of treatment, total effective rate of low molecular weight heparin and low molecular weight heparin combine with ginkgo bilobate extract were 80.0% and 88.9% separately,much higher than total effective rate of ginkgo bilobate extract 71.1%. the change of the blood rheology in pretherapy and post-treatmen had statistical significance. in the group of treating with low molecular weight heparin combine with ginkgo bilobate extract had the higher total effective rate and much evident change than the other groups, at the same time no bleeding tendency and other adverse reactions were found.


While researchers have had a difficult time finding conclusive evidence that additives, particularly artificial colourings, and preservatives in food and drink have an adverse reaction on children, many parents can attest that they tend to make young children hyperactive.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
