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与 adverse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most adverse events were infections, but also three lymphoceles, three urinary fistulas, three wound seromas.


In His wrath He has torn me to pieces and been adverse toward me; He has gnashed His teeth at me.

16:9 主发怒撕裂我,敌对我,向我咬牙切齿。

No drug-related deaths, IT granulomas, or permanent adverse sequelae occurred with ziconotide therapy.


To further expand the positive role of market mechanism in order to offset the adverse influences of price hikes on the


Nix-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis is a major determinant of adverse remodeling in pathological hypertrophies, a finding that suggests therapeutic value for apoptosis inhibition to prevent cardiomyopathic decompensation


Hypothesizing that postmenopausal women might be particularly vulnerable to any adverse effects of HIV infection or on the skeleton, we initiated a longitudinal study to assess the prevalence of osteoporosis/osteopenia, determinants and etiology of low BMD and rates of bone loss in HIV+ postmenopausal Hispanic and African American women, who constitute the majority of new infections in women in the United States.


Objective To improve the immune effect and reduce the adverse reaction of inactivated HFRS vaccine.

目的 为提高肾综合征出血热疫苗的免疫效果和减少副反应。

Resolved, therefore, That, being invested by the Creator with the same capabilities, and the same consciousness of responsibility for their exercise, it is demonstrably the right and duty of woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause, by every righteous means; and especially in regard to the great subjects of morals and religion, it is self-evidently her right to participate with her brother in teaching them, both in private and in public, by writing and by speaking, by any instrumentalities proper to be used, and in any assemblies proper to be held; and this being a self-evident truth, growing out of the divinely implanted principles of human nature, any custom or authority adverse to it, whether modern or wearing the hoary sanction of antiquity, is to be regarded as self-evident falsehood, and at war with the interests of mankind.


Resolved, therefore, That, being invested by the Creator with the same capabilities, and the same consciousness of responsibility for their exercise, it is demonstrably the right and duty of woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause, by every righteous means; and especially in regard to the great subjects of morals and religion, it is self-evidently her right to participate with her brother in teaching them, both in private and in public, by writing and by speaking, by any instrumentalities proper to be used, and in any assemblies proper to be held; and this being a self-evident truth, growing out of the divinely implanted principles of human nature, any custom or authority adverse to it, whether modern or wearing the hoary sanction of antiquity, is to be regarded as self-evident falsehood, and at war with the interests of mankind.


Resolved, therefore, That, being invested by the Creator with the same capabilities, and the same consciousness of responsibility for their exercise, it is demonstrably the right and duty of woman, equally with man, to promote every righteous cause, by every righteous means; and especially in regard to the great subjects of morals and religion, it is self-evidently her right to participate with her brother in teaching them, both in private and in public, by writing and by speaking, by any instrumentalities proper to be used, and in any assemblies proper to be held; and this being a self-evident truth, growing out of the divinely implanted principles of human nature, any custom or authority adverse to it, whether modern or wearing the hoary sanction of antiquity, is to be regarded as self-evident falsehood, and at war with the interests of mankind.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
