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与 adverse 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the duke went with the abbess and her newly found husband and children into the convent, to hear this happy family discourse at leisure of the blessed ending of their adverse fortunes


According to expert analysis, the occurrence of fish floating head and adverse weather conditions have a close relationship (In addition, the occurrence of fish have been floating with the water quality of manure, fish have been closely related), in hot weather, low air pressurethe adverse weather, often hypoxic water, the fish floating head.


Borrowers may be experiencing adverse operating trends or all ill-proportioned balance sheet (e.g., increasing inventory without an increase in sales, high leverage, tight liquidity). Adverse economic or market conditions, such as interest rate increases or the entry of a new competitor, may also support a special mention rating.


Methyldopa as a result of drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal distension and other adverse reactions, excellent ling down more adverse reactions.


Cardiac toxicity was minimal in both groups, the editorial notes, adding that this is a major adverse effect of trastuzumab. However, the trialists point out that there was a bias, as they had selected women who had normal cardiac function after having received various other therapies (including anthracyclines and taxanes) as well as trastuzumab. Also, since the duration of observation was limited, the possibility of late events cannot be excluded."Nevertheless, the low incidence of adverse cardiac events is reassuring," they comment.


Cardiac toxicity was minimal in both groups, the editorial notes, adding that this is a major adverse effect of trastuzumab. However, the trialists point out that there was a bias, as they had selected women who had normal cardiac function after having received various other therapies (including anthracyclines and taxanes) as well as trastuzumab. Also, since the duration of observation was limited, the possibility of late events cannot be excluded."Nevertheless, the low incidence of adverse cardiac events is reassuring," they comment.


The main fi ndings were i copper was strongly bound to organic layer and seemed to be the main pollutant in the ecosystem while zinc was the most mobile element and did not accumulate to any specifi c part of the ecosystem, ii the forest mosses and epiphytic lichens were the most sensitive plant species and the seedlings of the vascular plants that had survived near the smelter were absent, iii there was a highly resistant soil decomposer community near the smelter although the activity of the soil animals and microbiota was low and their community structure altered, iv many insect species also suffered from pollution although the adverse effects caused by forest pests increased with pollutant load, v the low survival rate and breeding success of hole-nesting passerines near the smelter was caused by habitat changes and the quality of food, vi the adverse effects seem to be to some extent reversible after decreased pollutant load or remediation actions.

主要fi ndings是i铜强烈一定到有机层数、并且似乎是主要污染物在生态系、当锌是最流动的元素,并且没有积累对生态系时的任何specifi c零件, ii森林青苔和附生植物地衣是含羞草种类,并且在精炼工附近生存了是缺席维管束植物的幼木, iii有一个高度抗性土壤decomposer社区在精炼工附近、虽然土壤动物和microbiota的活动是低的、并且他们的修改过的社区结构、iv许多昆虫种类也遭受污染、虽然森林造成的不利影响虫增加了与污染物装载、v孔嵌套雀形目鸟的低生存率和繁殖的成功在精炼工附近是由栖所变动造成的,并且食物的质量, vi不利影响似乎在某种程度上是双面布料在减少的污染物装载或治疗行动以后。

Although a formal assessment of professional functioningafter a perioperative catastrophe has not been done, the Associationof Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland instituted guidelinesrecommending support at multiple levels, and the "Adverse EventProtocol" available on the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundationwebsite provides a suggested series of steps to minimize patientinjury and identify the cause of an adverse anesthesia eventafter it occurs.


Results: Adverse reactions occurred in 128 out of 6 258 cases, characterized by mild and moderate fever without potential lifethreatening adverse reactions.

结果:接种6 258人次中,共发生不良反应128例,主要以低热和中等热为主,未见潜在生命威胁的不良反应。

Clinical experience and medical case is mainly reflected in cardiovascular disease such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, vertebrobasilar insufficiency diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as the western medicine for many adverse reactions more, the use of Chinese medicine treatment, combination differentiation of syndrome and treatment the adverse reactions for the constraints of the western medicine and so on.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
