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adverse conditions相关的网络例句

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与 adverse conditions 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It may be real, or it may be a test to see how you react to adverse conditions.


This ensures that the damper are able to operate under the most adverse conditions.


The egg diapause of the OML is one of the adaptation strategy to the adverse conditions inits lifecycle.


It is caused by the germ Listeria monocytogenes , which has a special ability to survive in adverse conditions.


Bearings must be able to support the crankshaft rotation and deliver power stroke thrust under the most adverse conditions.


On the other hand, if God is able to exhibit a people who have totally obeyed Him, under the most adverse conditions Satan can create, His character will be eternally vindicated before the unfallen worlds.


On the other hand, if God is able to exhibit a people who h39e totally obeyed Him, under the most adverse conditions Satan can create, His character will be eternally vindicated before the unfallen worlds.


The result showed that Imperata cylindrical, Digitaria sanguinalis, Erigeron acer Xanthium sibiricum and Hedyotis auricularia are the species with high tolerance to heavy metal pollutions adapted to the adverse conditions of wastelands. These species can be used as pioneer plants for recovety of the vegetation in the manganese-mined wastelands. The individual event pollution index of the heavy mentals, compared to their background values are higher than 2, with Pb as an exception, indicating that the soil in these areas has been contaminated and that Mn and Cd are the elements creating most serious pollution problems.


But, under really adverse conditions, human intervention is ineffective, and the control system must be self-correcting and self-optimizing-which means that the system must adapt heuristically to reduce, not increase, the need for operators.


Uninsulated live parts if shrinkage, moisture absorption, or warpage may introduce current leakage or other adverse conditions.


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