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与 adrenocorticotrophic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To evaluate the effect of cold stress on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis in chic-kens,15-day-old male Isa chickens were subjected to acute(for 15min,1h,3h,6h,12h and 24h,respectively) and chronic(for 5d,10d and 20d,respectively) cold stress at 12℃±1℃.The level of expression of corticotropin releasing hormone mRNA in hypothalami and the contents of adrenocorticotrophic hormone,aldosterone and cortisol in serum of the chickens were detected.


To evaluate the relationship between the levels of hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the change of the cellular immunity in the patients with cor pulmonal during acute exacerbation. The 36 patients with cor pulmonal were examined.The plasma levels of adrenocorticotrophic hormone.β-endorphin and glucocorticoids and the counts of CD+3、CD+4、CD+8 cells and the CD4CD8 ratio in peripheral blood were analysed during acute exacerbation and stable stage.

为了探讨肺心病急性加重期患者下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴激素水平与细胞免疫变化的关系,本研究同步检测了36例肺心病患者急性加重期及缓解期血浆促肾上腺激素、β-内啡肽、糖皮质激素及外周血 T 淋巴细胞亚群的变化,并分析它们之间的相互关系。

The percentage of through the platform position was calculated. The learning and memory behavior was observed mainly in rats of every group. After the experiment, sodium pentobarbital was injected by intraperitoneal injection of all the rats for anesthesia, and the blood was gained from heart.The plasmcortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone were detected by the radioimmunoassay.


Twenty-four hours after the last oral administration, the blood were obtained and used for testing adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cyclic guanosine monophosphate, glucose, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase, urea nitrogen. Results Before taking medicine, model rats' cAMP/cGMP and ACTH were lower than normal rats', and they showed a trend of rise with adding dose. Before taking medicine, model rats' GLU was lower than normal rats'. With adding dose, model rats' GLU increased, however, normal rats' GLU reduced. When taken medium dose white prepared lateral root of aconite, model rats' CHO was higher than normal rats'. Taking medicine made both groups ALT rise, but normal rats' went up more quickly than model rats'. Model rats' BUN was higher than normal rats', and taking low dose or little dose medicine could lead to incline of reduction.

结果 给药前模型组环磷酸腺苷/环磷酸鸟苷和促肾上腺皮质激素低于正常组,随着给药剂量的增加,两者有升高的趋势;给药前模型组血糖低于正常组,随着给药剂量的增加,模型组GLU有升高的趋势,而正常组有下降的趋势;中剂量给药时模型组总胆固醇显著高于正常组;随着给药剂量的增加,2组丙氨酸氨基转移酶均有升高的趋势,且正常组ALT升高的幅度更大;给药前模型组尿素氮高于正常组,低、小剂量给药有降低模型组BUN的趋势。

Neuraxon of type B neurosecretory terminals contain a lot of small clarity vesicles. Adenohypophysis is mainly composed of adrenocorticotrophic cells, prolactin cells, growth hormone cells, thyrotrophs cells, gonadotrophic hormone cells, melanophore-stimulating hormone cells, periodic acid-Schiff-positive cells and one non-secretory cell type-stellate cells. The ultra-structural characteristics of pituitary in Sinperca chuatsi during procreating season are discussed.


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