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administrative law相关的网络例句

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与 administrative law 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the association of undertakings organise undertakings of the branch to reach monopoly agreement in violation of this law, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall impose a fine below 500,000 Yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, the social organization register administrative department shall dissolve the register.


Soft money refers to donations not regulated by law that can be spent only on civic activities such as voter-registration drives, party-building activities, administrative costs and in support of state and local candidates.


Administrative emergency power is an important part of the state emergency power and is the focal point in emergency law.


In basic law classes, the teacher taught us how to write an administrative statement of claim.


Article 2 This law applies to the drafting of laws, regulations and rules relating to the protection of human rights within the borders of the People's Republic of China, the furnishing of various conditions for the realization of human rights by way of administrative measures, the realization of judicial remedies against acts violating human rights, human rights propaganda and human rights education within the whole society, the performance of Signatory States' obligations under human rights treaties that have been already concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, the conduct of international exchange and co-operation in the field of human rights and other activities.

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内制定有关人权保障的法律、法规和规章,通过行政管理措施来为人权的实现提供各种条件,对侵害人权的行为实现司法救济,在全社会进行人权宣传和人权教育,根据中华人民共和国已经缔结和参加的国际人权公约履行公约下的缔约国应尽义务,进行人权领域的国际交流和合作等活动,适用本法。

Article 16 Where the banned substances in the List of Dopes fall within the scope of stupefacient, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs for medical treatment, and toxic chemicals, special control shall be made over their production, sale, import, transportation, and use in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Administration Law and the provisions of relevant administrative regulations.


Article 49 Where a production and business operation entity does not meet the work safety conditions prescribed in laws, administrative regulations, national standards or trade standards, and still fails to meet the work safety conditions after suspension of production or business for rectification, it shall be closed, the relevant department shall suspend the entity's relevant certificate or license in accordance with the law.


However, BOT way should pay attention to some questions in the course of environmental project operation, if the government, as how should the persons who supervise and agreement party make a reservation, the administration excellent benefit right in the general administrative contract is suitable in BOT agreement of licensing ; And contract law proclaimed in writing government that forbid cant tender guarantee for enterprise conflict of having to project commitment that Company make; Build environmental project how issue is it reach of both sides equilibrium of interests to bear risk by way of BOT, how to evade to make the environmental project benefit greatest etc..


Terminologically, it seems that there is no "hermeneutic right" in Anglo-American genealogy of law; yet we have found that judges have more and more administrative power and the power of command in Britain and the United States in civil actions from the 20 Century.


Article 98 Where any withholder violates the tax collection law or administrative regulation and causes the failure of the taxpayer to pay or underpay taxes, it shall be imposed upon a fine of more than half of but less than 3 times of the amount of the taxes failing to be paid or underpaid apart from paying the overdue taxes and late fees.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
