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administrative law相关的网络例句

查询词典 administrative law

与 administrative law 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Administrative decision-making rule of law is the important substance of the construction of modern government.


On the background of China's entrance into WTO, the thesis probes into the applicability, existing stipulation and problem of administrative amercement and the way to amerce according to law in legislation and practice,such as ascertaining the applicable condition, principle, procedure and method of determining the amount etc.


Taking the administrative villages as units, a comprehensive and detailed survey was made to attain the rich and reliable data, including the information about the status of the land use, the relationship of the land supply and demand, the living standards of farmers and the minimum of urban resident living guarantee and so on. Then the estimating system was established. Afterwards, basing the survey and the system, the character of each unit was transfer into data. And, utilizing the frequency law, the whole county was divided into four expropriation land blocks. The area was measured and the map, showing the differences between blocks, of the Arable Land Blocks for expropriation of Siyang was protracted by the method of GIS. Finally, the land expropriation price is calculated by agricultural land economical function compensate method and urban construction land criterion price avulse method, then the price was tested by expropriation case comparison method. It is beneficial not only for protecting farmers rights and interests, but also for link up with the current land compensate standard, so this way to calculate the land expropriate price is more reasonably.


When an administrative department conducts an investigation or inspection, there must be present at least two law enforcement personnel, who must produce their identity cards to the relevant party.


Others are no theoretical research,unconvincing theoretical research,rigid education administrative system, correlative reform seriously lagging behind,bureaucratism in the administration,belittlement of rule by law.


Article 1 In order to strengthen the customs control of bonded warehouses and the goods stored therein, to regulate the operation and management of bonded warehouses, and to promote foreign trade and economic development, the present Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.

第一条 为了加强海关对保税仓库及所存货物的监管,规范保税仓库的经营管理行为,促进对外贸易和经济发展,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和国家有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

Where a township enterprise wishes to change its name or domicile, or to divide itself or merger with another, to suspend operation of close down, it shall, after making the registration of alteration, establishment of cancellation according to law, report to the administrative department for township enterprises for the record.


All we want to see is that various levels local government and its servants work hard, put Party and countrys policy and line into effect and carry out according to law, ceaseless lifting administrative efficacy.


The Act is a direct outgrowth of the old common law system of writs (such as mandamus, certiorari, and prohibition), which served as the foundation for judicial review of administrative action before the modern system of civil procedure was developed.


However, Single assignment of burden of proof cannot adapt to actual judicial practices with the complicated objective. Therefore, we have established the principle of assignments of burden of proof in the administrative procedure law. we shall insist the guidence of human rights and judicial fairness, and establish a multi-layered and synthetical system of assignment according to the condition that claimer undertake the responsibility of proof.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
