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administrative law相关的网络例句

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与 administrative law 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to above target, following measures should be taken: 1 reforming the unrational enterprise institution, 2 enacting the law to make the enterprise market conduct normal, 3 using invest and credit to carry the industrial organization policy in enterprise construction, transform, and extension, 4 taking suitable administrative measures to adjust the industrial organization, 5 reorganizing enterprises and encourage them to annex and merge so as to accelerate the coordination and specialization, 6 dividing the limits of interposal of central government and local government, eliminating the administrative monopoly and area cutting-apart, 7 combining the reforming of enterprise property-right system with. the developing of enterprise group and using promoting enterprise unite by means of joint-stock company, 8 establishing an organic industrial organization policy system by many measures.


Administrative punishments set by other regulatory documents shall all become invalid starting the effective date of the Law on Administrative Punishments.


At present, in the course of managing and punishing, by the reason of legal system, a great deal of factors of subject, inside mechanism, external environment condition, manage punishment can"t suit perfecting the situation of socialist market economy, the structuring, the harmonious society with our country. The question of the following several respect has appeared in administrative practices of public security behavior:First, it is not clear to manage the value orientation punished, motive of enforcing the law is fuzzy, the urgent work trends towards the favourable phenomenon generally; Second, the range of containing punished in public security management loses contact with reality, smudgy, the basis to punish is ambiguously in public security management; Third, violate the proper principle of administrative penalty, Punish lopsidedly and heavily and lopsidedly and lightly; Fourth, manage and punish and punish doing one"s best to the unit in public security; Not tight when fifth , manage the procedure ofpunishing in public securitying, the operating is not strong.


These Regulations are enacted pursuant to the constitution and pertinent laws, with a view to safeguarding and supervising administrative bodies in exercising their functions and powers according to the law; preventing and correcting any malfeasant or improper specific administrative acts; and protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations.

第一条 为了维护和监督行政机关依法行使职权,防止和纠正违法或者不当的具体行政行为,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据宪法和有关法律,制定本条例。

Having reviewed the historical development of the Rule of Law and administrative discretion, the Chapter mainly illustrates the necessity of administrative rulemaking and the multiformity to control the power in modern society.


In those instances where the necessity arises of subjecting a person guilty of violating legislation on the protection of consumers' rights to administrative liability, the procurator, in accordance with Article 25 of the Law on the Procuracy and Article 28.4 of the Code of Administra64 STATUTES AND DECISIONS tive Violations, issues a decree on the initiation of proceedings concerning an administrative violation.

在那些需要主题一个人发生的例证中有罪的违犯在消费者的权利保护上的立法到管理的责任,代理人,符合文章 25 在 Administra64 的密码 Procuracy 和文章 28.4 上的法律法令及决定 tive 违反,发行在进行的开始上的一条法令关于一个管理的违反。

S.?*L,'x|VUM| w2\ the current dual leadership system, the system of party and government co-located, tangible or intangible, to impede the exercise of administrative supervision, the realization of administration according to law, from the strengthening of the independence of administrative supervision point of view, should establish a vertical leadership structure, and timely implementation of Sub-Office .

8nJ!e$s!hx\wy 现行的双重领导体制、党政合署办公制度有形或无形地妨碍了行政监察权的行使,实现依法行政,从加强行政监察独立性角度考虑,应建立垂直领导体制,适时实行分署办公。

In judicial practice,courts in our country generally follow legal Principle when they take on administrative cases.Code of Administrative Procedure as well as related law and regulations provide that abstract administractive behavior is without the litigable extent.


In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the National People's Congress hereby enacts the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, prescribing the systems to be practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in


Article 47 Functionaries in financial departments and relevant administrative departments who abuse their powers, neglect their duties, commit illegalities for personal interests or by fraudulent means, or disclose State secrets or commercial secrets, and therefore constitute crimes, shall be investigated for criminal liabilities in accordance with law; administrative sanctions shall be imposed if no crime is constituted.


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