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Ten minutes later, BP dropped to 96/54 mmHg and HR dropped from 67 to 31 during one minute. Atropine was prepared for rescue. Suddenly, EKG showed asystole and patient lost his consciousness. Atropine 0.8 mg, iv, was immediately administrated and face mask ventilation was also performed.

十分钟后,血压突然掉至96/54毫米汞柱,心律也逐渐变成心搏徐缓(在一分钟左右的时间心跳从每分钟67下降至31下)﹔在准备atropine的同时,突然间心跳停止并且病人失去意识,atropine 0.8mg马上给予并且使用人工面罩通气。

The treatment group was administrated with 20% medium and long chain fat emulsion injection based on routine corresponsive treatment.


Two patients with gonococcal dermitis of penis were intramuscularly administrated with Junbizhi(2g per day,within 7 days).

给 2例阴茎淋菌性皮炎患者每日肌肉注射 1次菌必治 2 0 g ,共 7d ,并对溃疡局部用 1∶5 0 0 0高锰酸钾液冲洗后用白多帮软膏。

After 4 weeks, being continuously administrated, the mice were tested the blood glucose by adopting tail vain blood; plasma fructosamine, Hb diastatic value, and kidney and liver protein diastatic value.

连续给药4 w后应用采取尾静脉血检测其血糖水平;血浆果糖胺和Hb糖化值及胰腺、肾和肝脏蛋白糖化值。

Except normal group, other groups were peritoneally administrated with Dipsacus asperciaes injection.

除正常对照组外,其余大鼠均用氟哌啶醇建立痴呆病(Alzheimer Disease, AD)动物模型,实脸组同时腹腔注射五鹤续断注射液。

Except control group, other 3 groups were made with aloperidin as models of Alzheimer disease, in which experimental groups were peritoneally administrated with Trillium tschonoskii Maxim and Dipsacus asperciaes injections respectively.

除对照组外,其余大鼠均用氟哌啶醇建立痴呆症(Alzheimer Disease, AD)动物模型,实验组分别腹腔注射延龄草注射液、续断注射液。

TW19 is a diterpene compound isolated from root derma of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook. F.. Its effects on immune function in ICR mice and male fertility in SD rat, ICR mice and Kunming mice were evaluated. TW19 was administrated by oral garage for 5 weeks.


Then the segmental endorachis was incised and SPR administrated. Result17 cases of crura spastic paralysis were cured.


No matter whether the patients of pancreatic diseases have enteroparalysis or not,the enteral nutrition should be administrated at onset or within 24-48 hours postoperatively.


YINTONG is the professional supplier that in the field of the outside heatproof system of the outside-wall.Our construct team is a high technical team, and we hava the top-ranking administrated experience,so we believe we are the champions in our field.


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Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.


The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.


The fame thing I don't like.
