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Hong Kong actor Leung, usually ace, looks uncomfortable at best, not helped by a stiff headpiece with twin poufs and a top-knot that looked overworked with Brylcreem.


This actor is second in the top-ten list of Asia's richest men.


Arnold Vosloo quickly established a fine reputation as an actor in his native South Africa, winning several awards there for his theater work, including "More Is 'n Lang Dag","Don Juan" and "Torch Song Trilogy".


I literally stumbled into these interviews while on the convention floor and they focus mainly on each actor's view of their characters' relationship with each other and their thoughts on the success of Torchwood in America.

他们主要是讨论了自己扮演的角色, JANTO的关系以及该剧在美国的成功。

Her special family background and locates the international environment is her totalitarianism research actor's opening words.


I just thought it would be a tough field to break into, so I became an actor instead.


Is invented in 1798 by the German actor and writer Aloys Senefelder, lithography came into its full artistic fruition in the 1890s with the color prints of Pierre Bonnard and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, among others.

平版印刷术,于1798年由德国演员兼作家Aloys Senefelder发明。直到19世纪90年代,平版印刷术被Pierre Bonnard与Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec等人运用于艺术彩印。至此,该印刷技艺在艺术的领域终开花结果。

As a busy Hollywood voice-actor, Townsend Coleman is perhaps one of the most recognizable voices on TV.


Le Yecheng of actor friend general is number of home's largest Internet of movie and TV of exclusive authorised edition to issue trade.


Or a mere name can trip you up, such as that given the silent movie actor in " A Sky Full of Bright, Twinkling Stars," Shall we translate it straight and call him "Crimson Flame," or simply transliterate the characters "Chu Yen," two syllables utterly without meaning to a foreign ear, Our solutions is something of a compromise, just as throughout the book personal and place names are sometimes romanized and on occasion colorfully and significantly represented, in the best tradition of the Red Chamber translations.

有时单是一个名字就已煞费周章。譬如说《满天里亮晶晶的星星》那个默片明星「朱焰」,我们是该把他名字意译为Crimson Flame呢?还是音译为两个毫无意义的音节—— Chu Yen?我们采用的是一个折衷的办法。一如在全书中我们对人名、地名有时仅采音译有时力求其生动和表达含义,也就师法《红楼梦》英译的最佳传统。

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Cracked Actor
An Actor's Revenge
The Actor
If You're Not A Professional Actor
Bad Actor
The Actor
The Actor
The Actor
The Actor's Opprobrium

Now, more and more people and volunteers go to disaster area to help people who are in trouble.


A traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc..


Monetary policy is usually conducted under the auspices of a country's central bank.
