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与 activists 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists.

米拉贝尔姐妹-- Minerva、Patria和Maria Teresa,她们都是政治活动家。

The Mirabel sisters -- Minerva, Patria and Maria Teresa -- were political activists. They were killed on November 25th, 1961, on orders from dictator Rafael Trujillo.

她们3姐妹Minerva, Patria 和 Maria Teresa都是政治激进分子,在1961年的11月25号被独裁者Rafael Trujillo命令杀害。

It would require more ink than is available to us here to respond to all the claims animal activists have made about the supposed evils of modern livestock husbandry methods, what they misleadingly label factory farming.


Environmental activists pointed out that many birds, snakes and large mammals such as Formosan Macaque, Formosan Reeve's muntjac and Taiwan boars were under the influence of the great environmental change, though they were fortunately not really endangered; however, amphibians, which were difficult to scatter to other residence, faced greater challenges.


Recently police blocked a confrontation between Roma activists and a neo-Nazi march in Krupka, in the north-west.


Transnational feminist practice is a continued critical intervention of feminist scholars and activists in response primarily to the ever-penetrating processes of globalization: the expanding transnational flow of capital, technology, and people, and the long-existing colonialist/neocolonialist or imperialist mode of knowledge production and circulation.

跨国女性主义实践(Transnational feminism practice)是女性主义学者与积极分子对不断持续扩展的全球化进程的批判性干预。全球化进程主要是指日渐增长的跨国资本、技术、人口的流通,与由来已久的殖民主义/新殖民主义(colonialist/neocolonialist)或帝国主义模式的知识生产及传播。

Meanwhile, the opposition Nepali Congress party says authorities have arrested more than 600 activists to prevent planned demonstrations.


Political analysts say the Richardson endorsement could help Obama win over more so - called super delegates. Democratic party activists and office holder s who will attend the National nomina ting convention in August as uncommitted delegates.


Headquartered in North America, YouthBridge is a nonprofit, apolitical, nonsectarian, volunteer organization of Chinese youth activists around the world.

侨之桥 海外华裔青少年协会是一个立足于北美的世界范围的非赢利,非宗教,非政治性华裔青少年组织。

A spate of recent events, from the heavy jail sentences passed on human-rights activists to an undiplomatic obduracy at the climate-change negotiations in Copenhagen last December, invite questions about the thinking of China's leaders.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
