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与 activists 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the US anti-WTO forces include the likes of Ross Perot, the maverick 1992 presidential candidate; the consumer advocate Ralph Nader; the ultraconservative senator Jesse Helms; and environment activists from groups such as Greenpeace USA and the Sierra Club.

在美国,反世界贸易组织势力包括诸如一向我行我素的 1992 年总统候选人罗斯派罗特;消费倡导者拉尔夫耐达尔;极端保守派参议员杰西海尔姆斯;以及来自诸如美国绿色和平组织和西尔拉俱乐部等组织的环境保护积极分子。

Some 60 Greenpeace activists from 20 countries will be on board the ships, according to Holden.


Thursday March 13th 2008, the World Biofuels Market was blocked by an international group of activists that want to show the world that the Agrofuel Industry is heavily into greenwashing, and is not saving the world as they pretend she does.

周四2008年3月13日,世界生物燃料市场被阻断的一个国际小组的活跃分子说,想向世界展示该agrofuel业是重到greenwashing ,而不是拯救世界,因为他们假装她。

They regularly call in to radio talk shows, they maintain many websites, produce innumerable documentaries, publish plenty of books, hold regular conferences, and show up with alarming predictability to heckle and denounce prominent progressive authors and activists at their speaking engagements.


AIDS activists in China remain angry at what they see as the culpability and inaction of authorities in Henan Province, while government officials there remain implacably hostile to people they see as troublemakers.


Poverty activists say homelessness in Vancouver has increased 373 percent since 2002 when the city bid for the Games but researchers say it is impossible to know if the event was actually responsible for displacing people.


The Government's police inspectorate has backed down after protests from social media activists over its choice of name for a new website.


As policymakers struggled to save the economy from collapse earlier this year, conservative activists railed irrelevantly about "liberal fascism".


The mission of health and safety activists, as well as public health and environmental agencies, is to reduce hazards before people get sick or the environment is irreparably damaged.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
