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与 activists 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anti-NATO activists Saturday staged a protest in front of a squad of riot police in downtown Strasbourg, eastern France, during NATO's 60th-anniversary summit, according to AFP.


One of China's most prominent human rights activists, Hu Jia, has won the European Parliament's prestigious Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.


Another has been the internet, which helps activists scrutinise corporate behaviour around the globe.


His activists occupied the Ukrainian navy's headquarters in Sebastopol, in the Crimea, declaring it a Russian city.


He is likely to succeed, and arrests of journalists, publishers and activists on charges of sedition are likely to worsen.


About 250 seminude animal rights activists gathered in Madrid, Spain, Sunday to protest a bullfight.


News : About 250 seminude animal rights activists gathered in Madrid , Spain , Sunday to protest a bullfight.

Translation :24日,约250名示威者聚集在西班牙马德里的凡塔斯斗牛场,半裸抗议斗牛的血腥行为。

Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanon's most popular ayatollah, demanded that Mr Qaradawi produce figures to back up his claim of a Shia missionary drive and that he explain what danger it would be to Islam if one Sunni decided to adopt Shiism. Shia activists in Saudi Arabia have threatened a lawsuit, charging Mr Qaradawi with fomenting sectarian schism and requesting that he be forcibly retired on grounds of senility. A news agency in Shia-majority Iran posted a story that blasted the sheikh as a front for "international Freemasonry and Jewish rabbis".

黎巴嫩国内最为知的名的阿亚图拉Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah布道士要求Qaradawi提供数字证明此言论,并且要求他解释,如果一个逊尼派教徒改宗什叶派会给伊斯兰教带来何种危害;沙特阿拉伯国内的什叶派活动分子称要控告Qaradawi煽动宗派分裂主义,并以其理智不清等理由强迫他退休;在什叶派占多数的伊朗,一家新闻社登出消息骂他与"国际共济会以及犹太拉比"沆瀣一气。

Not many foreign companies were making money in China in those days and fewer still were ready to shout down activists armed with evidence of dangerous working conditions, prison labor and other Chinese workplace-rights abuses.


Jim Sinclair was one of the first activists in the self-advocacy movement.

Jim Sinclair曾是最早的自我维权运动的积极分子之一。

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This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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