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active duty相关的网络例句

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与 active duty 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Only those engaged in teaching and inmates of the houses of recollection, among the Discalced, are exempt from the obligation to this duty, to follow which the order, though retaining its name Hermits, exchanged the contemplative life for the active.

只有那些从事教学和犯人的房屋的回忆,在Discalced ,可免除这一义务的责任,按照该命令,但保留其名称隐士,交换了沉思生活的活跃。

Elgin Baylor was one of only two NBA players called to active military duty in the wake of the Berlin crisis.

因为柏林危机, Baylor 是两个被召去服兵役的的 NBA 球员中的一个。

Therefore, high efficiency can be achieved. The circuit parameters are decided according to the intrinsic impedance of the resonant tank. As the duty ratios of the active switches are fixed, the charging current should be programmed via tuning the circuit operation frequency and therefore the circuit impedance. The optimum operating point is sieved by the frequency response diagram to operate the charger at high efficiency.


While Maimonides and his followers regarded philosophical speculation as the highest duty of man, and even made the immortality of the soul dependent on it; or, speaking more correctly, while immortality meant for them only the highest development of "active intellect" in man, to which only a few attained, the Cabalists taught not only that every man may expect a great deal in the future world, according to his good and pious actions, but even that he is the most important factor in nature in this world.

虽然迈蒙尼德和他的追随者视为投机哲学的最高责任人,甚至作出不朽的灵魂依赖於它,或者更准确地讲,而永生意味著不仅为他们的最高发展"积极的智慧"在人,其中只有少数几个实现, Cabalists教的不仅是每个人可以指望得到了大量的未来世界,根据他的良好的和虔诚的行动,但即使他是最重要的因素的性质在这个世界上。

For the development of the Divine office into its present form see the articles, BREVIARY; CANONICAL HOURS; and also the various "hours", eg, MATINS, LAUDS, etc.; LITURGY, etc. In the east this solemn liturgical prayer remains today almost the sole active work of the monks, and, though in the west many other forms of activity have flourished, the Opus Dei or Divine Office has always been and still is regarded as the preeminent duty and occupation of the monk to which all other works, no matter how excellent in themselves, must give way, according to St. Benedict's principle (Reg.Ben., xliii)"Nihil operi Dei praeponatur"(Let nothing take precedence of the work of God).

为发展神圣的办公室到目前的形式见的文章, breviary ;典型小时;也是各种"小时",例如,晨祷,赞扬等;礼仪等,在东方的这个庄严的礼仪祈祷今天仍然是几乎唯一的积极工作僧众,和,虽然在西方的许多其他形式的活动已蓬勃发展,该作品dei或神的办公室,一直和仍然被视为是杰出的责任和占领和尚,这是所有其他工程,不管如何优秀,在自己的,必须给予的方式,根据圣本笃的原则( reg.ben , XLIII )号" nihil operi dei praeponatur "(让没有优先考虑的工作上帝)。

If you are a veteran of military service, reservist, or on active military duty, you may be able to obtain a loan guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, which requires little or no downpayment.


This code is decided, every involves a worker major perhaps item needs the regulations system of personal interest to be able to discuss through duty generation, according to a few obedience most principle is passed, it is the most active, the most effective method that builds work rules system.


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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
