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与 acid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And 2-10% acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, or itaconic acid, or their mixts.


The acrylic acid or methacrylic acid is isolated as the acid or corresponding salt.


Though a series of the experiments above, after concentration and dryness, the finished amino acid could be obtained finally. The color of the crude amino acid was brown and the refined amino acid was milkiness.


MethodsFerric Hydroxamic acid―Ferric Perchloric acid method was used to determine the content of ester-series alkaloid, and acid dye colorimetry was used to determine the content of total alkaloid in Complex Prescription Monkshood plaster.


The company has a annual production of 10000mt citric acid of two products: Anhydrous citric acid and citric acid Monohydrate.

企业现有生产能力为年产 10000 吨柠檬酸,有无水柠檬酸和一水柠檬酸两个品种。

objective to discuss perioperative complication and management of patient with high risk copd following esophagectomy.methods 45 patients with high risk copd underwent esophagectomy with epidural block combined with general anesthesia.perioperative treatment included smoking cessation,chest physiotherapy,prevention and control of infection of air way and appropriate bronchodilators of air way,breathing exercises,nutrition support and oxygen therapy.painkiller was instilled after surgery,early exercises,ensuring unobstruction of the air way,mechanical ventilation was applied when needed.results 3 had hypoxaemia in operation.after surgery,all patients had spo2 somewhat declined.6 had lung infection.6 were removed of bronchial secretion by bronchoscope.2 were supported by ventilator by using intubation.2 underwent tracheotomy.1 had disturbances of acid base balance and treated by using hydrochloric acid muriatic acid.all patients recovered rather smoothly and discharged from hospital.conclusion high risk copd is not the absolute contraindication of esophagectomy.active management before and after surgery ensures the safety and recovery of patients.

目的 探讨重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病简称慢阻肺病人食管切除术围手术期常见并发症及其处理。方法 45例重度慢阻肺的病人在全麻联合硬膜外阻滞下进行开胸食管切除手术,围手术期处理包括术前戒烟、胸部理疗、预防和控制呼吸道感染、解痉化痰、呼吸功能锻炼、营养支持和氧疗;术后硬膜外镇痛、早期锻炼、保持呼吸道通畅,部分病人予以呼吸支持。结果术中3例出现低氧血症。术后所有病人pao2均有不同程度的下降,6例出现肺部感染,6例行纤维支气管镜吸痰,2例通过气管插管给予呼吸机支持,2例行气管切开术,1例酸碱平衡紊乱使用盐酸精氨酸治疗。所有病人均痊愈出院。结论重度慢阻肺病人并非开胸食管切除手术的绝对禁忌证,积极的术前准备和严格的术后管理可减少和控制术后急性发作,有助于确保此类病人的围手术期安全和康复。

Jie Sheng chemical into the liquid is mainly sulfur-burning sulfuric acid, potassium sulfate, chlorosulfonic acid, liquid sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, nitrosyl sulfuric acid, as well as cogeneration for steam systems, a variety of products amounted to more than 20 years of logistics million tons, capacity 16 million KWH, steam 140,000 tons; a lot of sulfur in addition to the downstream products in the study of chemical development.


Studied the effect of citric acid,lactic acid and acetic acid on the black memtrane elimination of fresh beef omasum.


For the first time ,AgBr organosol was obtained by using oleic acid to extract and modify the AgBr nanoparticles in hydrosol. And the optimum molar ratio of oleic acid to AgBr nanoparticles was found. AgBr nanoparticles, modified by oleic acid were mixed with MMA. After polymerization was carried out, the polymeric photochromic material was synthesized.


The constituents were extracted by some solvents. 18 constituents were isolated from Chloroform fraction by different chromatography. 15 constituents were identified by IR ,MS and NMR as follows: 3-sitosterol, P-sitosterylpalm itate,succinate acids, 1, 4-benzenediol, 1, 2-benzenediol, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, syringaresinol, oleanolic acid, usolic acid, ethyl caffeate , Rosmarinic acid ethylster and etc. In such constituents ,nine compounds were isolated for first time from Origanum vulgare L..


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Acid Rain
Acid Bubble
To Taste Acid
Acid Drip
Acid Rain
Acid Rain
Acid Test
Acid Nation
Sunshine (The Acid Summer)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
