英语人>网络例句>acid 相关的网络例句
与 acid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were acetic acid, benzaldehyde, n caproic acid, methyl pentadecanoic methyl ester, glycerin, benzoic acid,,9 octadecadienoic methyl ester, squalane, stearic acid and oleic eicosyl ester.


With the observation of the outward appearances, it can be known roughly that if the sample was added with adulterations. Since the beeswax dissolves in the benzene but the adulterations, such as gypsum, starch and so on do not, these can be determined. By the verification of acid value and alcohol dissolve ability, the acid or non acid added can be determined. By the change of saponification value, the ester or non ester added can be determined. By the carbonification degree in the concentrated sulphuric acid, the mineral wax, such as paraffin wax added can be determined.


objective effects of plant tannins,chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i on chemically induced hemoglobin synthesis in k562 cells were investigated.methods the hemoglobin synthesis situation was assayed with benzidine staining.erythroid antigens glycophorin a expression on the surface of k562 cells was labeled by direct immunofluorescence using fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated anti-gpa antibodies.then flow cytometric analysis was performed to detect gpa expression levels on surface of the cells.results both chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i could inhibit the hemoglobin synthesis of butyric acid and hemin-treated k562 cells in a concentration-dependant manner.however,the ba-induced k562 cells were more sensitive to two tannins than heroin-induced cells.conclusion chebulinic acid and tellimagrandin i have inhibitory effect on the erythroid differentiation.

目的 研究可水解单宁诃子酸和特里马素i对氯化高铁血红素和丁酸钠诱导k562细胞红系分化的影响。方法四甲基偶氮噻唑蓝法分析诃子酸和特里马素i对k562细胞生长的影响,联苯胺染色法检测血红蛋白合成情况,应用免疫荧光和流式细胞术检测血型糖蛋白a在细胞表面的表达。结果诃子酸和特里马素i在0.04~0.09?mmol/l浓度下均可显著抑制k562细胞的生长增殖。2种单宁化合物(0.002~0.01?mmol/l)可显著抑制丁酸钠诱导的k562细胞血红蛋白合成,2种单宁化合物(0.01~0.05?mmol/l)还可显著抑制氯化高铁血红素诱导的血红蛋白合成,特里马素i(0.01?mmol/l)还抑制丁酸钠诱导的gpa在细胞表面表达。结论诃子酸和特里马素i对红系分化有抑制作用。

In this paper,firstly a series of acryloxyl derivatives were synthesized from the dehydrogenated abietic acid,a main composition of disproportionated rosin, through acyl chloridation and esterification.The derivatives included the (β-acryloxyl ethyl) esters of dehydrogenated abietie acid,(β-methacryloxyl ethyl) esters of dehydrogenated abietic acid and (β-methacryloxyl propyl)esters of dehydrogenated abietic acid.


Kinetics of photo-chlorination of acetic acid to form monochloroacetic acid ;2. The mechanism for chlorinate acetic acid to monochloroacetic acid by using acetic anhydride or sulfur as catalysts respectively was studied.


Diluted nitric acid, phosphoric acid, organic acid and medium containing smal amount of sulfuric acid or chlorion


Sodium5sulfoisophthalic acid dimethyl ester was prepared by sulfonation of mC 6H 4 2 with chlorosulphonic acid , treatment of the 5sulfoisophthalic acid with methanol to esterify the -CO 2H groups and separation of the product in the form of sodium salt of sulfonic acid.


Glycocholic acid is a kind of glycol-conjugated bile acid which exists in many animals'bile. It is one of main component of bile acid and was synthesized from cholalic acid and glycine in liver.


The optimum condition was determined via orthogonal experiments, and the result shows that the technology of bile extraction and purification adopts 10L chromato bar with 3L bile, gel silica as fixed phase, the mixed chloroform and isopropanol as mobile phase, gradient elution with mobile phase (the mobile phase ratio in extraction of cholalic acid and glycocholic acid is 4:1 , and then becomes 3:2 in extraction of glycocholic acid and glycocholic acid), and eluting velocity of 3~5mL/s .


RESULTS: Sixteen compounds, ursolic acid (1), indole-3-carboxaldehyde (2), indole-3-carboxylic acid (3), p-coumaric acid (4), azelaic acid (5), N-trans-feruloyl tyramine (6), blumenol A (7), 2-hydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone (8), rubiadin l-methyl ether (9), rubiadin (10), quercetin (11), luteolin (12), chrysoeriol 6-C-β-boivinopyranosyl-7-O-β-glucopyranoside (13), alternanthin (14), stigmasta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol (15), and α-spinasterol (16) were obtained from the EtOAc extract of Alternanthera philoxeroides.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
