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In particular, the system generates bifurcation when 2c-a=0, and then the stable knot bifurcates a hyperbolic saddle point and stable convergence, which is so-called Pitchfork bifurcation. From 2c-a≤0 to 2c-a≥0, the attracting set A of the system is changed from single point to the union set of two different old orbits.


The set of representable values of type T , or numeric set of T , is a set of numeric values whose elements are the representation of some subset of N .

类型 T 可表示的值的集合,或者说 T 的数字集合,是指一个数字值的集合,其中的元素是 N 的某个子集的表示法。

The PID parameter tuning of non-linear control system is set as the engineering background. The aim is the optimal design of PID parameter. On the basis of the design and research of the advanced PID parameter tuning, the mathematical model-transfer functionis developed through correlation analysis on statistical method.And with the optimization algorithm under constraint condition, the non-linear, Isqnonlin is set as object function. Then with connection of the non-linear constrain optimization algorithm and simulink technique, a set of adjust parameters which fit the performance index of the control system are found. And optimization design process and steps are provided.


It introduces a kind of novel loading test system, based on the operation principle of damper. this loading system is operated by the driving motor. it realizes the loading, in that the damper has a negative drive force that puts on the motor. Based on the ordinary electromagnetic damper, the thesis presents a novel hybrid excitation electromagnetic damper which has adjustable work characteristic, analyses the working principle and structural feature of the electromagnetic damper, deduces the formulas to calculate the eddy current density through the Electromagnetic theory, analyses the distribution of the eddy current in the cotyloid rotor, and also studies the method of calculating the damp torque, establishes the mathematical model of the electromagnetic damper, analyses the relationship between the electromagnetic damper structural parameter and damp torque, researches the engineering design and analysis method of the electromagnetic damper, provides theory foundation for the design and analysis of the electromagnetic damper, contrives a hybrid excitation electromagnetic damper that satisfies the target request, designs a set of compound excitation electromagnetic damping loading control system whose control core is AT89C51 monolithic integrated circuit, analyses the electric circuit part, and carries on the experimental test to this set of electric circuits. Finally it debugs this electromagnetic damping loading system, this system satisfies the target request proposed.


Moreover, A hybrid algorithm, ALHybrid, which is made of the algorithm LIDBSO and the algorithm AprioriIpv, is designed. Two algorithm, MQC_Apriori and MQC_LIDBSO, are given to mining multiple level quantitative association rules with item constrains. Two algorithm, PMARⅡ and PMARⅢ, which are based on different sequential mining algorithms, are given for parallelling mining association rules. In order to solve the mining association rules problem when we add a set of data to a database or delete a set of data from a database, two incremental updating algorithm, EUAR and EUAR, are given. Three incremental updating algorithm for association rules mining, DIUAⅠ, DIUAⅡ and DIUAⅢ, are dedigned to solve the three kinds of association rules incremental updating problem in distributed databases.

另外,文中还设计了一个算法LIDBSO与算法AprioriIpv相结合的混合采掘算法ALHybrid;对于多层次、带约束、多值属性关联规则的采掘问题,给出了两个采掘算法:算法MQC_Apriori和算法MQC_LIDBSO;在关联规则的并行采掘方面,还设计了两个基于不同顺序关联规则采掘算法的并行算法:算法PMARⅡ和算法PMARⅢ;在关联规则的增量式更新问题上,还给出了两个改进算法:算法EUAR和算法EUARˉ,分别用于解决当数据库增加或删除一个数据集合时的关联规则增量式更新问题;针对分布式数据库中的关联规则增量式更新的三类问题,提出了三个增量式更新算法:算法DIUA Ⅰ、算法DIUAⅡ和算法DIUAⅢ。

A relation can be tought of as a set of tuples in the relational model, and of course a set never contains two identical query language is able to distinguish rows only in terms of their column values (RULE 2), this is another way of saying that there must be a way of distinguishing any single row from all others in terms of there values, so that a query language statement can retrieve it uniquely.


The various scenarios include: Hulk holding a 1210 deck, 1210 deck, Iron Man on a set of 1210's, Spiderman swinging from the needle of a 1200, Captain America battling Captain Britain on 1210's, Black Panther commanding on the decks, Wolverine maneuvering tricks on a set of gold 1210's, Silver Surfer using a 1210 as a surfboard, and Ghost Rider blazing on the decks.

这些T恤结合各种传奇人物和科技产品,主要场景包括有:绿巨人拿著1210甲板, 1210甲板,钢铁奇侠戴著一套1210,蜘蛛人从1210上摆动飞过,美国船长在1210上对抗英国船长,黑豹在甲板上指挥,狼獾机动在一套金黄1210上做手脚,银色冲浪用1210作为冲浪板,还有幽灵骑士玩甲板。

The deep blue sea complete the provision of housing is a product-oriented, the customer gets is not a set of drawings and a pile of building materials and equipment, but a product of industrialization, and she has a house features, but his production process, technical standards and perfect degree of can be regarded as a car, a set of furniture, a computer.


In this set system, the set element named quorum is a set of points, and every two quorums intersect.


A heterogeneous network handover method of the present invention includes generating, at a mobile node, self-location information, transmitting the self-location information to a management server which manages heterogeneous networks, searching, at the management server, surrounding networks using the self-location information, composing a set of candidate networks including at least one of the surrounding networks, transmitting information on the set of candidate networks to mobile node and deciding, at the mobile node, a target handover network among the candidate networks.


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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
