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In this algorithm, the direction-of-arrival is assumed to be a discrete random variable with a priori probability density function defined on a set of candidate points. Whether or not the secondary sample is required is based on the a posteriori probability distribution of a set of candidate point"s, which can be calculated from the array received signals. And then, the resulting beamformer is a weighted sum of the beamformers pointed at the latest set of point"s, which are combined according to the value of the a posteriori probability for each pointing direction.


The architecture of object-oriented software will involve three levels: a system is a set of clusters; a cluster is a set of classes; a class is a set of features.


Using level-set method, mathematical representation for contimuum structures is proposed by means of the vector of level-set, and the general structure topology optimization can be expressed by a constrained functional minimization problem of a set of level set functions.


As an application of the above proof, we obtain at once that there is an open and dense set in the set of Ω-stable systems such that every system in the set satisfies Axiom A and the no-cycle condition (Axiom A and the strong transversality condition, respectively).

作为上述方法的一个运用,马上可以得出在Ω稳定系统的集合中有一开稠集满足公理 A 和无环性条件(对应的,公理 A 和强横截性条件)。

Cervical spondylosis is due to cervical back muscle strain as well as the unbalanced paravertebral muscle strength caused by long-term working with head drop, which thereby leads to a set of syndrome: cervical intervertebral disc degeneration, narrow intervertebral space, unstable vertebrae unit, protruded or extruded nucleus pulpous; hyperosteogeny, ligament pachynsis, narrow neural canal or nerve root canal; oppressed nerve root and spinal cord, stimulated vertebral artery and sympathetic nerve; aching and discomfort cervix; numbness and disability of the body; functional disorder in relieving the bowels; dizziness and nausea, etc.

颈椎病的原理及颈椎功能锻炼的原理 Theory of Cervical Spondylosis and Cervical Vertebrae Dirigation 颈椎病是由于长期低头工作等原因所导致的项背肌劳损、颈椎周围肌群肌力不平衡,从而使颈椎间盘退变、椎间隙狭窄、椎节失稳、髓核脱出或突出、骨质增生、韧带肥厚,使椎管或神经根管狭窄,压迫脊髓、神经根、刺激椎动脉及交感神经,出现颈部酸痛不适、躯体麻木无力、大小便功能障碍、头晕恶心等症状的一组综合症。

The system includes a set of PIV light source of double YAG pulse laser,a set of twincamera stereography arrangement,a set of traveling and calibrating arrangement offixing position plate,a set of interrogation arrangement of particle image film and a setof water circulating flow arrangement.


Working Set - Shared displays the size of the working set, in bytes, that is sharable and may be used by other processes. Because a portion of a process' working set is shareable, does not necessarily mean that other processes are using it.

Working Set -可共享的页可被其他处理共享的,但不一定是指其他处理正在使用它的,以字节表示的可共享显示作业集的大小。

General with a complete set of wine should include a Jiuzun a set of glass a set of red wine a set of champagne glasses a white wine cup a liquor glasses.


A set of processor-readable opcodes and data.

T8 {1 A 处理器能读的操作码和数据。

VerbA game played with a set of small six-pointed metal pieces and a small ball, the object being to pick up the pieces in various combinations.

jacks抛接子游戏:用一套有六个尖的金属片和一个小球玩的游戏,可以采用不同的组合方式选取这些物品 One of the metal pieces so used。

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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
