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与 a plant 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Parts production from the beginning, he would line depth production, meticulous organization, and strict requirements, so a single-engine queries for a minimum quantity, plant, engine plant, through a gas-tight test of a good score.


The analysis of the samples collected from the wastewater treatment plant showed that the recycled supernatant had a pH of 7.16~8.21, a conductivity of 371.1~769.1 μmho/cm, a total dissolved solid of 193.3~399.9 mg/L, and a turbidity of 0.901~54.3 NTU. The suspended solids of the recycled supernatant was found to be 0.4~45.6 mg/L, lower than the standard value in the Effluent Standards (50 mg/L). The ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and the Total Organic Carbon of the recycled supernatant were found to be 0.06~1.5 mg/L and 1.533~17.437 mg/L, respectively. The analysis of the Chemical Oxygen Demand of the wastewater treatment plant showed a concentration of 12.1~128.5 mg/L in the sample of the recycled supernatant.

在废水处理单元采样分析结果方面,回收之上澄液之pH范围为7.168.21间、导电度值范围在371.1769.1 μmho/cm间、总溶解固体量范围在193.3399.9 mg/L间、浊度范围则在0.90154.3 NTU间;在悬浮固体方面,其回收上澄液之范围在0.445.6 mg/L间,且回收水之悬浮固体均小於放流水水质法规标准值50 mg/L;在氨氮(NH3-N)方面,回收上澄液之范围在0.061.5 mg/L间;在总有机碳部份,回收上澄液之浓度范围在1.53317.437 mg/L间;而在净水场废水处理单元化学需氧量分析结果上,可发现净水场在回收上澄液之样本部份其浓度在12.1128.5 mg/L间。

Hong Gil Nam, a molecular geneticist at South Korea's Pohang University of Science and Technology, and his colleagues set out to unravel how leaf cells die each year by comparing the aging process in a mutant and a wild strain of Arabidopsis , a small flowering plant in the mustard family that is a model for studying plant biology.

韩国浦项科技大学的分子基因学家Hong Gil Nam和同事将拟南芥的突变体与野生株的老化过程进行了比较,试图以此解开叶细胞每年死亡之谜。拟南芥为十字花科小型开花植物,是植物生物学的研究模型。

Is a wholly-owned enterprises, with strong technical force, a set of quality assurance system, the detection means complete, of well-equipped, with a strong production capacity and can withstand the rubber plant, a complete set of tire plant equipment.


Jean-Martin Folz, CEO of PSA Peugeot Citroen, has opened a new production unit at the Valenciennes plant dedicated to the manufacture of a new technologically advanced six-speed electronically controlled automated gearbox called MCP.With a capacity of over 800,000 gearboxes a year, the new production unit secures the Valenciennes plant's 2,200 jobs, strengthening PSA Peugeot Citroen's position as the region's leading employer. Standards of product quality, working conditions, ergonomics and environmental protection at the state-of-the-art factory will be amongst the highest in the Group.

除了致力於柴油电力hybrid技术的研发之外,拥有Peugeot和Citroen两大品牌的PSA集团,在四月初於法国北部的Valenciennes成立了新的生产单位,专门制造一款名为MCP自动变速箱;这具电子控制的六速自排变速箱,采用了该集团最新的技术,在启动引擎的同时便可由电子控制;而PSA集团总裁Jean-Martin Folz以及许多业界知名人士也共同参与了此生产单位的开工典礼。

The accident of a tube of a high alcohol hydrogenation reactor in chemical plant was analyzed,and the reason of the accident and design a new structure of the reactor tube was found out The usage in a chemical plant shows that the design of the new structure is vali


Because you know they can't be that evil (you have been warned!). Because it is a carnivorous plant most people can grow like normal garden plants. This is definitely not a house plant. Ibicella and Proboscidea should be planted in a garden or a very large pot. No special soil is required.


This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar and plant it; I will break off a tender sprig from its topmost shoots and plant it on a high and lofty mountain.


It operates three copper mines and a smelter in Arizona and a copper refinery, a rod and cake plant and a precious metals plant in Texas.


Achievements: 1997-2000, planned, organized lodging claims against a German shipyard under a shipbuilding contract and won the arbitration case conducted by London Maritime Arbitrators' Association; 1999-2004, Represented CMC to participate five arbitration cases before CIETAC with satisfactory outcome for each;2001-2002, participated in negotiations as the leading counsel and successfully concluded contracts for several projects, including: a Cairo Cement Project (CMC as the general contractor, contractual value at US$65 million), Egypt; and b Barapukuria Power Plant Project (CMC as the general contractor, contractual value at US$220 million), Bangladesh.2002, participated in negotiations of equipment and technology transfer of Gas-Turbine between CNTIC and GE, successfully concluded contract; planned, organized lodging claim against BK a German company and recovered 15 million USD.2004, participated the tender project of nuclear power plant and technology transfer, particularly in designing the transaction structure; 2005, planned, organized solution of a dispute between CMC and a Danish company in a project under NORDIC loan and represented CMC to appear before SCC Arbitration Institute; 2005-2006, organized and participated legal work as the leading counsel for CMC the contractor in Turkish high speed railway project.

主要业务成果: 1997-2000年参与德国政府贷款船舶进口项目争议的解决,策划、组织了对外商索赔并赢得了由伦敦海事仲裁庭审理的仲裁案;作为代理人参加了5起贸仲仲裁案件和多起国内诉讼案件,均获得较好审理结果;2001-2002年参与出口埃及水泥厂项目和出口孟加拉坑口电站等多个海外项目,进行法律风险评估,参加合同谈判,修改合同文本并出具法律意见,促成交易;2002年参与燃气轮机打捆招标项目,审核合同文件,参加了与美国GE公司的谈判,成功签约;策划、参与对德国BK公司的索赔,成功获偿1530万美元;2004年参与核电站及技术转让招标项目,参与设计交易结构、审核相关合同文件;2005年作为代理人组织、参与了与丹麦公司因北欧投资银行项目产生争议在瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院的仲裁案;2005-2006年主持、领导土耳其安伊高速铁路项目中方总包方的法律工作,包括包括参与设计交易安排,参与组织行政复审、司法复审程序等。

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Plant A Seed
To Plant A Seed

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
