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a leading article相关的网络例句

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与 a leading article 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, long-term since, clean-fingered to basically leading a cadre take up a political career behavior undertakes be supervisoried effectively is a focus and difficulty problem all the time, the article undertakes was discussinged to this one problem.


A few months ago we had the opportunity to have one of our opinion articles published as the leading article on Sandhill.com.


To the reader's disappointment, the leading article in this issue of the magazine is a load of rubbish .


And in the article, Limbaugh wrote that Sharpton played a leading role in two New York race riots back in the 90s.


The Galleria, and other imaginative shopping centers throughout the United States, have led a magazine to title its recent leading article "The Malling of America."


In an article posted on New Year's Eve on Kuro5hin [http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/12/30/142458/25], Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger inveighed against the project he had been a leading part of until 2002 under the title," Why Wikipedia Must Jettison Its Anti-Elitism."

在新年前夕 Kuro5hin[http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/12/30/142458/25]上的由维基百科的共同创始人 Larry Sanger 发表的一篇文章,强烈批评了他直到2002年都反对的这个项目的一个主要部分&为什么维基百科必须抛弃他的反精英主义。&

Article 2 The primary candidates of high academic level overseas personnel shoaled abroad that this Municipality is to introduce are: senior engineers and technicians and senior operation and management personnel much needed for the field of high and new technology, pillar industries, major engineering, new industry and so forth; bellwethers in a certain world's field of a certain discipline or technology; personnel possessing patent, invention or know-how of world's leading level or being a gap science and technology of our country which is in urgent need of being filled; personnel necessary to the administrative departments and suitable to be advisers or to be engaged in consulting work; personnel having earned a doctor's degree in the field of urgently wanting specialty.

第二条 本市引进海外高层次留学人员的重点对象是:高新技术、支柱产业、重大工程、新兴产业等领域所急需的高级工程技术人员和高级经营管理人员;在国际某一学科或技术领域内的带头人;拥有专利、发明或专有技术并属国际领先水平或填补国内急需填补的空白项目的人员;为行政管理部门所需,适宜担任顾问或从事咨询工作的人员;在紧缺专业领域取得博士学位的人员等。

Now although not directly related to this article's content, I think it is a good idea to show you a bit about the evolution of delegates leading to lambdas in order for you to understand the rest of the article.


The university teachers/ specialization development should play a leading role in it.But in fact,the question to specialize the university teachers is not paid too much attention.this article will according to own experience analyze,the present situation of university teachers/ specialization development,and according to the main facing subject matter.make some preliminary inquisitions to university teachers/ specialization,and at the same time propose own countermeasures.


Where a private undertaking has been granted a monopoly in the performing of a public so that it has a dominant position under Article 86 EEC, an abuse of such position might consist in the imposition of a price for performing that which is excessive in relation to the economic of the service provided and which has the effect of curbing parallel imports (of the product which is the object of the service) by neutralising the possibly more favourable level of prices applying in other sales areas in the Community or by leading to unfair trade in the sense of Article 86 (2) EEC.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
