英语人>网络例句>a house of God 相关的网络例句
a house of God相关的网络例句

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与 a house of God 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do; I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place; go, get you out!


The Ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the Wind began to blow, and the Winds' to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at Sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in Body, and terrify'd in my Mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the Judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my Father's House, and abandoning my Duty; all the good Counsel of my Parents, my Father's Tears and my Mother's Entreaties came now fresh into my Mind, and my Conscience, which was not yet come to the Pitch of Hardness to which it has been since, reproach'd me with the Contempt of Advice, and the Breach of my Duty to God and my Father.


The Ship was no sooner gotten out of the Humber, but the Wind began to blow, and the Winds* to rise in a most frightful manner; and as I had never been at Sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in Body, and terrify'd in my Mind: I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the Judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my Father's House, and abandoning my Duty; all the good Counsel of my Parents, my Father's Tears and my Mother's Entreaties came now fresh into my Mind, and my Conscience, which was not yet come to the Pitch of Hardness which it has been since, reproach'd me with the Contempt of Advice, and the Breach of my Duty to God and my Father.


The Asclepieion consisted of a small temple, an altar and two halls: the Doric Stoa, which served as an incubation hall for the visitors to the Asclepieion, who stayed there overnight and were miraculously cured by the god who appeared in their dreams, and the Ionic Stoa, which served as a katagogion, a guest- house used by the visitors to the shrine and the priests.

该Asclepieion包括一个小寺庙,祭坛和两个大厅:在多利安Stoa,其中担任孵化大厅的参观Asclepieion ,谁在那里过夜,并奇迹般地治愈了上帝谁出现在他们的梦想,和离子Stoa ,作为katagogion ,一个客户所使用的游客到神社和神职人员。

The upright white hewn studs and freshly planed door and window casings gave it a clean and airy look, especially in the morning, when its timbers were saturated with dew, so that I fancied that by noon some sweet gum would exude from them. To my imagination it retained throughout the day more or less of this auroral character, reminding me of a certain house on a mountain which I had visited a year before. This was an airy and unplastered cabin, fit to entertain a travelling god, and where a goddess might trail her garments.


In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture.


In front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: In the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens Mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash , 8ttt8.com loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture.


The human is so tiny, is containing the formidable strength actually.in front of the disaster, does not say gives up, they use own life, composes a tune tune immortal ode: in the ruins, 29 year-old teacher opens mia aircraft closely to hug two students, withstands caving in with the back the house beam, he is a vigorous tiercel, stretches out the double wing to resist the god of death for the student, perhaps his life had terminated in the flash, but loves with the belief, lets him maintain the such sacred posture.also has huaiyuan middle school's teacher wu zhonghong, he luckily is already out of danger, but in order to is stranded in the classroom however the student, mr.


Guide dogs dogs, German shepherds and a small Q alien God Adventures Scooby Dog Lai Xinan great adventure to see the talking dogs and dogs love 101 Dalmatians elderly lady and she is a street car is not dead dog poodle dog Gromit Maogoutaizhan Cool Dog Story loyal dog of Flanders have cheap dog house fire eight degrees below zero Dog Crazy Dog God 卡拉是条狗 edge dog dog world again run through the snow snow mind gold dog who love outstanding wild dogs Calling all Daisy Blame the jungle pure hea


Jehovah sent a man who was a prophet to the children of Israel. And he said to them, Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel, It was I who brought you up out of Egypt and brought you out from the slave house

6:8 耶和华就差遣一位申言者到以色列人那里,对他们说,耶和华以色列的神如此说,我曾领你们从埃及上来,带你们从为奴之家出来

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This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
