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a fit相关的网络例句

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与 a fit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore it seems considerately important to set up the system and methods of risk evaluation of technological innovation which could fit our country's reality.


Traditional pattern of campus has be not fit the development of contemporaneity higher education.


Secondly, based on the research of the fabric"s contexture characteristic, the author puts forward using the convex shape as yarn"s section, builds the yarns dimensional geometry model and axes equation of warp and weft. Establishes the illumination model which is fit for fabric with illumination theory.


So the traditional strategy does not fit for the demand of the contiguous development of firm.


In this paper, we propose a goodness-of-fit for the LCR model. The basis of the proposed test is a contingency table, which groups the population through all possible response patterns and concomitant covariates.The idea is from Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic for the multiple logistic regression model.

这篇论文中我们将提出ㄧ个潜在类别回归模型的适合度检定,此检定的基础是由所有可能回答的选项以及相伴变数分群所组成的列联表,这个概念是由Hosmer与Lemeshow 在逻辑斯回归中所提出来的。

In this respect, our findings provide a validation of the contingency perspective on internal fit.


4 Fourthly in or towards payment of the secured sum until the whole of the secured sum including interest as aforesaid shall have been fully satisfied and discharged and so that if the Lender is contingently liable or will or may be so liable in respect of any moneys obligations or liabilities hereby secured all money not dealt with under the preceding provisions of this Clause shall be placed on deposit in such separate account as the Lender in its absolute discretion may think fit for the purpose of securing the contingent liabilities of the Lender and shall become subject to this security to be applied against such contingent liabilities as they fall due; and

13.4 第四,偿付有抵押款项或用於支付有抵押款项,直至有抵押款项及上述利息全数偿付与清付为止。如贷款人就本契约担保的任何款项、义务或债务负上或有法律责任,或将会或可能会负上或有法律责任,则在本条之前的条文未有作出安排的一切款项,须存入贷款人按其绝对酌情权认为适宜用作担保贷款人或有债务的独立帐户,以便在或有债务到期时,在不抵触本抵押的情况下用作偿还或有债务。

Optimization solution algorithm is the most important in topology optimization.Algorithms fit for discrete structure and continuum structure are all investigated. Thecharacteristic and different using limit of both optimization criteria method andmathematics programming method are all analyzed in this paper. OC algorithm and theseries MMA algorithm based on SIMP approach are deducedand used for the topology optimization problem of continuum structure.

优化求解算法是拓扑优化问题求解的核心和关键,本文系统分析了适用于离散结构和连续体结构优化的优化求解算法,重点讨论了 OC 算法和 MP 算法,分析比较了不同算法的特点和适用范围,推导了基于 SIMP 理论的优化准则法和 MMA 系列算法,并将MMA 系列算法应用于连续体结构拓扑优化问题的求解。

Degree B-Spline curve is chosen to fit the longitudinal settlement curves, which solves the problem of curvature continuum for joint notes due to its continuous second derivative vector and overcomes the efficiency and accuracy of computing curvature with 3 points by hand.

选取三次B样条方法对隧道纵向累计沉降曲线进行拟合,利用三次B样条曲线二阶导矢连续的特性,解决了拟合曲线在曲线连接点处曲率的连续性问题,克服了以往人工计算隧道曲率半径在效率和准确性方面的缺陷;并在此基础上,推导了隧道纵向变形曲率与纵向螺栓拉应力、相对弯曲与纵向螺栓剪应力之间的关系; 3。

You should be very clear about your 'fit' and suitability in this job continuum.


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"That's enough prattle," the woman declared.


Even if in the most beautiful youth time, I is the plain-colored long unlined close-fitting gown trousers.


I am the diamond glints on snow.
