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a couple of相关的网络例句

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与 a couple of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The gastroenterologist put me on a regimen of IV steroids for a couple of weeks to control the disease.


The boots didn't require any more than a day's break-in and only got more comfortable after only a couple of days' wear. Traction on smooth surfaces is excellent, thanks to the grippy soles.


In this thesis, we describe a facile and economical synthesis of-abscisic acid from keto-isophorone and 3-butyn-2-ol through ketalization, oxidization, Witting-Horner reaction, reduction with chromium sulfate and other steps in 13% total yields. Compared to the previous routes, the starting materials are more commercially available and cheaper and the synthetic process is more easily controlled in our method, but the yield of this route is still to be improved.As to isostere principle, cyclopropyl and methyl vinyl are a couple of isostere.


Things are going well enough that Mr Khoja now spends only a couple of weeks a month in Afghanistan, devoting the rest of his time to working for the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, and cheerleading abroad for Afghanistan.

公司发展势头良好,使库拉每月只需在阿富汗工作两星期,其余时间在阿迦汗经济发展基金会(Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development)工作,或在国外为阿富汗增光添彩。

SunSport revealed last week how a delegation from Red Rom's bankers Millhouse Capital jetted to Los Angeles to meet with Klinsmann, a couple of days after Chelsea's Champions League quarter-final success in Valencia.

p/ ?9 ~-?4 2 r 在欧冠的四分之一决赛中切尔西击败了瓦伦西亚,这之后的几天,《太阳报》体育版披露,上周阿布旗下米尔豪斯资本公司的代表赴洛杉矶会晤了克林斯曼。

Mom and I go out for dinner a couple of times a mont h .


Kinds of flowers left on the ground with large red flowers, mussels spend ...... the right kinds of grass with Murraya paniculata ...... and then move forward a couple of steps, in my foot is a brick road with pebbles.


The plot may have holes and the film doesn't quite reach the heights it should, but it still works very well, there's a nice intentional Lovecraftian feel given by characters surnamed Curwin and one called Dexter Ward, referencing the classic novella The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward and there are a couple of really neat weird sleaze moments that the more nastily inclined viewers like myself should lap up.


This planturous girl has already made more than one man fall for her. Originary from Thailand, Nana came to China a couple of years ago, making a living of Dancing and teaching the Thai language. After she met the Dangsters, it was obvious to her that she had finally found the Energy and Crazyness that she needed.

作为团队里最感性的一员,让太多男孩拜倒在脚下,几年前这个来自泰国的女孩独自来到中国,并从事着舞蹈演员和泰语老师的双重角色,遇到 dangsters后,很显然她终于找到她向来以往的疯狂和力量。

I took me nearly 4 years to get to the test tank stage (this one penciled in to be ready for next summer) before I got a good offer to purchase it a couple of months ago.


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A Couple Of Forevers
In A Couple Of Days
Fight Of A Suburban Couple
A Couple Of Grand (Remix)

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
