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The Zn concentration in leaf and leafstalk increased with increasing Zn supply from 0 to 160 mgL^(-1), but had no increase or even decreased when the Zn supply was higher than 160 mgL^(-1). The Zn concentration in root exhibited a positive correlation with Zn supply and its exposure time, and the kinetic curve of Zn uptake fitted linear-quadratic model, i.e., fast linear uptake first and slow saturation uptake later, with the dividing point at about 1-2 hours' exposure, which could be related with the Zn adsorption on root cell wall and the Zn transportation across the cell membrane.
在0160 mgL^(-1) Zn处理下,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量随Zn处理水平的提高显著增加,Zn浓度大于160 mgL^(-1)后,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量不再随介质中Zn浓度的提高而增加,根系含Zn含量与介质中的Zn浓度和培养时间呈正相关,且根系Zn吸收动力学曲线具有二型性,即开始为快速的线性吸收,随后是较缓慢的饱和吸收,两者分界点约在12h,这可能分别与根细胞壁吸附Zn和Zn跨根细胞膜运输有关。
SOD activity was at peak in 5 mg/L Zn treatmenat, indicating greater ability to eliminate ROS caused by excessive Zn. Zn contents in roots and thalluses of duckweed in vivo increased significantly with increase of Zn concentration in solution at 0-5 mg/L Zn. When Zn concentration was higher than 5 mg/L, Zn accumulation in duckweed was no more increased significantly. And, the plant was damaged by excessive Zn.
结果表明:在Zn浓度为5 mg/L时,浮萍生物量并没有受到明显的影响,表现出较强的抗性;SOD酶活性也最高,表明清除氧自由基的能力也较强;Zn的积累随处理浓度增加而增加,在5 mg/L Zn处理时,也基本达到饱和,超过该浓度,吸收量则无明显的变化,同时浮萍也明显受到伤害。
Then, on the basis of above achieved constituent binary results, thermodynamic properties of 10 ternary liquid alioys (Cd-Bi-Pb, Cd-Pb-Sb, Cd-Pb-Sn, Mg-In-Cd, Zn-In- Cd, Cd-Bi-Sn, In-Bi-Pb, Sn-AgPb,Zn-In.Pb, Al-Cu-Zn), 3 quaternary ones (Cd-Bi-Pb-Sn, Zn-Sn-Cd-Bi, Zn-Sn-Cd-Pb) and 1 quinary. one (Zn-Sn-Pb-Cd-Bi) are predicted. For most of investigated multicomponent systems, the calculated activities are in good with the experimental ones, and in particular for multicompoment immiscible ones, the predicted results are satisfactory and exciting. At the same time, the comparison result between the three equations shows that Wilson equation and T-K-Wilson one are more stable than NRTL one, that maybe is because NRTL equation contains a third parameter, and so ,to some degree, Wilson model and T-K-Wilson model are superior to NRTL model. And also the comparison between local composition models and other models such as Pelton- Flengas?method, Krupkowski formalism, mass action concentration model and Hoch- Arpshofen model shows that local composition models are more convenient and credible.
The results showed that it was invalid to apply Zn fertilizer alone, but biomass production obviously increased while Zn and P fertilizer applying together during maize seedling stage, P and Zn showed positive interaction effects in carbonate Chernozem of seriously lack of P. While applying P and organic fertilizer, the contents of Zn were 19.4~23.3 mg/kg, P/Zn...
结果表明:在严重缺磷的碳酸盐黑钙土上,单独施锌无效,锌磷配施玉米苗期生物学产量增产明显,磷与锌呈正交互作用;施磷和有机肥时,玉米苗期锌含量下降到 19.4~ 2 3.3mg/kg,磷/锌比值大于 140 ,玉米易出现白苗症;施入土壤的锌第 1年固定率最高可达 65%~ 88%,第 2年达 85%~ 95%,第 3年达 88.5%~92 。4 %;磷与锌配施既能提高锌的利用率又能提高磷的利用率
To check the abilities of Zn uptake and accumulation of duckweed (Lemna minor Linn.), experiments of growth, Zn accumulation and SOD activitial response to Zn in plant duckweed were performed with fresh plant in vivo. The results showed that growth of duckweed was affected by 5 mg/L Zn treatmenat in solution, indicating better resistance to Zn.
The chelate structure was examined by AFM scaning, single strand structure at AFM gram is Ala-Gln, two combined single strand is Ala-Gln-Zn~(2+), and atomic radius of Ala-Gln-Zn~(2+)'s conjunctive atom is about 0.24 to 0.25nm, which is near to Zn~(2+), so the conjunction atom is Zn~(2+). Thus the coordination reaction and the molar ratio 2:1 is proved again.
Result The results showed that content of Pb and Zn in 10 kinds of greening plants in Jinggangshan Road was the highest, and the lowest in Jinggangshan University, they had obvious difference among 6 different regions. The plants could absorb Pb and Zn pollutants in different extent depending on pollutants and plant species. Cedrus deodara and Subina chinensis had higher absorption capacity to Pb with 4.84 mg/kg and 4.57 mg/kg, Pittoaporum tobira had the lowest absorption capacity to Pb with 0.38 mg/kg; Ligustrum japonicum had the highest absorption capacity to Zn with 37.58 mg/kg, Buxus microphylla had the lowest absorption capacity to Zn with 11.08 mg/kg.
结果]在所调查6个区域中,10种绿化植物叶片铅、锌含量较高的在井冈山大道,含量最低的在井冈山大学校园内,各区域不同植物叶片的铅、锌含量差异显著。10种绿化植物对大气铅、锌污染物均具有一定的吸收净化能力,并依污染物和植物种类的不同差异明显:对铅吸收量最高的植物为圆柏和雪松,分别为4.84 mg/kg 和4.57 mg/kg,最低为海桐,为0.38 mg/kg;对锌吸收量最高的植物为日本女贞,为37.58 mg/kg,最低为小叶黄杨,为11.08 mg/kg。
H〓, S〓 and G〓 within experimental temperature range (440~600℃) all are negative for Zn-Mn, Zn-Ti, Zn-Ni, and Zn-Cu baths, and a negative peak exists as variation of composition.
With hydroponic culture, we studied the effects of Zn(superscript 2+) on dry matter and zinc accumulation in wheat seedlings using Chang 5864 as the experimental material. In this paper, Zn(superscript 2+) concentration in cultivating solution was 30 and 60 mgL^(-1), respectively, and 0 mgL^(-1) Zn was set as control. Seedling root and plumule were gathered every day from 4 d to 13 d after cultivation. We measured dry matter weight, and analyzed zinc concentration by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed that the dry matter accumulation in seedling root and plumule were all significantly improved under Zn treatment.
为了探明Zn在小麦植株中的吸收、分配和积累规律,以小麦品种长5864为供试材料,来用室内水培方法,于培养4~13d后取幼芽和幼根,用原子吸收分光光度计法测定样品中Zn的含量,研究了不同Zn(上标 2+)供应水平(0、30、60mgL^(-1),分别用Zn0、Zn30、Zn60表示)对小麦幼苗干物质积累及幼苗Zn含量和积累的影响,分析了小麦幼苗中Zn的积累规律。
In this thesis, we synthesize eight new compounds 5, 11, 12, 16, 5-Zn, 11-Zn, 12-Zn, 16-Zn, which can be absorbed on the surface of nanometer size semiconductors (TiO_2) with four ester groups on the bipyridyl ligands.
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