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与 Wales 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many independentboarding schools are confusingly called public schools in England and Wales.


Canadians can campaign for Québec libre. Americans can support separatists in Puerto Rico, Vermont, Texas, California, Hawaii, Guam, and Alaska. Brits can work for a free Wales, and Scotland for the Scots. French can help free Tahitians, New Caledonians, Corsicans, and the Basques. Spaniards can also back the Basques, or the Catalonians. Italians can help Sicilian separatists or the Northern League. Danes can free the Faeroe Islands. Poles can back Cashubians. Japanese can help Okinawan separatists, and Filipinos can help the Moros. Thai can promote Patanni independence; Indonesians can promote Acehnese independence. New Zealanders can leave the islands to the Maori; Australians can vacate Papua. Sri Lankans can help Tamil separatists; Indians can help Sikh separatists.


Spotting the old boy's bike, she hopped on and began peddling joyfully in circles, jingly the bell and singing over and over, I'm going to marry the Prince of Wales tomorrow!


Shauna lives in the state of New South Wales in Australia with her 16 year old daughter, Kath.

Shauna生活在新南威尔士州在澳大利亚与她16岁的女儿, Kath 。

The promoter of the concert sued Dame Kiri in the New South Wales Supreme Court, claiming A$2 million (US$1.6 million) in damages for breaching her contract.


Sven added that while he was happy with the three points against Wales, there is still room for improvement for the next game against Lawrie Sanchez's men.


LADY IN THE LAKE \ 畅游 Lady Alice Douglas swam in lake Llyn Mymbyr in Capel Curig, Wales, Tuesday.

周二,爱丽丝·道格拉斯在威尔士Capel Curig的Llyn Mymbyr湖中畅游。

Lady Alice Douglas swam in lake Llyn Mymbyr in Capel Curig, Wales, Tuesday. She has beenmming in lakes and rivers since her childhood.

周二,爱丽丝·道格拉斯在威尔士Capel Curig的Llyn Mymbyr湖中畅游。

Treenails . Deck gear and masting of ivory with ebony wales.


Jean-Baptiste Elissalde, as mouthy as scrum-halves are licensed to be, taunted Wales during the week with the assertion that 'they were not the All Blacks'.

让-巴蒂斯特埃利萨尔德,作为mouthy作为scrum -边发牌,嘲弄威尔士周期间,与断言',他们不是所有的黑人'。

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New South Wales

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
