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与 Wales 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The surprise walkout by members of the Prison Officers' Association in England and Wales began at 0700 BST.


A Welshman is a male who comes from Wales.


And a Welshwoman is a female who comes from Wales.

而且 Welshwoman 是一位来自威尔斯的女性。

Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion based on the pre-Christian traditions of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.


Several years ago, while on vacation in Wales, I met Valerie Woodall.

几年前,一次在威尔士度假时,我遇见了Valerie Woodall。

The Wye River is in western England, and in fact forms part of the border between England and Wales.


Nothing quite works, until I try aMcQueen-eraGivenchy Prince of Wales check pencil skirt that Ibought nineyears ago for my friend Alexas wedding, and haventworn since.


"Apraclonidine, a selective alpha-2-agonist, was developed to lower intraocular pressure and minimize the systemic side effects associated with the use of its parent drug, clonidine," write Patrick Watts, MBBS, MS, from the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, United Kingdom, and colleagues."An investigation of the site of action of apraclonidine incidentally uncovered a reversal of anisocoria in patients with absent sympathetic innervation of one pupil due to its alpha-1-effect on a pupil with denervation supersensitivity.... The easy availability of apraclonidine, its mild alpha-1-agonist activity, and its hitherto benign safety profile has encouraged its use as a first-line drug in the diagnosis of oculosympathetic paralysis."

英国加地夫市威尔斯大学附设医院的外科学硕士Patrick Watts及研究同仁指出,Apraclonidine是一种选择性的α-2-拮抗剂,是用来降低眼内压,并减少其母系药物降保适使用上的相关全身性副作用;在一项针对apraclonidine作用位置的研究中,因其单侧瞳孔神经切除之α-1-效应,而附带提出单侧瞳孔无交感神经支配患者之瞳孔大小不等为可逆转,apraclonidine之高可利用率,其轻微的α-1-拮抗活性,以及迄今良好的用药安全档案,更强化其作为视交感神经瘫痪诊断第一线药物的使用率。

He returned to Australia in 1916 and became involved in anticonscription and Labour politics, serving from 1919 to 1921 as private secretary to John Storey, the Labour premier of New South Wales.


Aquarter of children born in England and Wales last year were to womenwho were born overseas.


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New South Wales

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
