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与 WWW 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CA inhibition may not be an important contributor since CA II expression and CA activity was intact in anhidrotic mice treated with topiramate.


In summary, our results indicate that hypohidrosis is a frequent adverse effect in children with topiramate therapy. Younger age and hot weather rather than drug dosage are independent risk factors for topiramate-associated hypohidrosis. The resultes also rule out the possibility that topiramate act on its known mechanisms of action, such as potentiating GABA activity at GABAA receptors and antagonizing the AMPA/KA subtype of glutamate receptor in the secretory cells of sweat glands to inhibit sweat secretion. Our data also suggest that topiramate impairs sudomotor function in mice and leads to a significant reduction in AQP5 expression in sweat glands of anhidrotic mice, thus raising the possibility that dysregulation of AQP5 may contribute to topiramate related hypohidrosis.


Immunofluorescence confirmed that sweat glands in normal mice did not present gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subtype GABAA andα-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid/kainic acid subtype of glutamate receptor.Mature mice with reactive sweat glands that declined more than 25% compared to baseline were defined as anhidrotic mice.

免疫组织荧光染色未发现在正常小鼠皮肤组织及汗腺的分泌细胞存在γ-氨基丁酸A型(gamma-aminobutyric acid,GABAA)受体α1亚单位、谷氨酸受体亚型α-氨基羟甲基恶唑丙酸α-amino(来源:Ad1d1BC论文网www.abclunwen.com-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid , AMPA GluR1/2/3/4亚单位和海人酸(kainic acid,KA)受体GluR5/6/7亚单位的表达。

In the vast cosmic exchanges the universal life goes comes in unknown quantities, rolling entirely in the invisible mystery of effluvia, employing everything, not losing a single dream, not a single slumber, sowing an animalcule here, crumbling to bits a planet there, oscillating winding, making of light a force of thought an element, disseminated invisible, dissolving all, except that geometrical point, the I; bringing everything back to the soul-atom; expanding everything in God, entangling all activity, from summit to base, in the obscurity of a dizzy mechanism, attaching the flight of an insect to the movement of the earth, subordinating, who knows?

在宇宙广袤无边的运动中,无量数的空间活动交相往来,把一切都卷进那神秘无形的散漫中,并也利用 www.8 t t t8。 com 一切,即使是任何 dd dtt。 com 一次睡眠中的任何 dd dtt。 com 一场梦也不放弃,在这儿播下一个微生物,在那里撒上一个星球,摇摆,蛇行,把一点光化为力量,把一念变成原质,散布八方而浑然一体,分解一切,而我,几何学上的这一点,独成例外;把一切都引回到原子棗灵魂,使一切都在上帝的心中放出异彩;把一切活动,从最高的到最低的,交织在一种惊心动魄的机械的黑暗中,把一只昆虫的飞行系在地球的运转上,把彗星在天空的移动附属于棗谁知道?

However, it is also this "anonymousness" can really bring out the "evil" inside a person.

我觉得,还是发明 www.com 的那小子说的好,我最近听他在新书被采访中说,这好像是废话,但是,网络意味着咨询。

According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelli asked to be arrested.

据意大利安莎社报道,这名32岁的男子出现 wWw.8tTt8.coM 在意大利北部城市维切利的警察总局,要求 dDdtt 警方将自己逮捕。

You can obtain more information about insulin injectors by visiting a company抯 Web site, such as that available from Antares Pharma, Inc.

你可以在我们的网站上得到胰岛素注射器的详细信息 www.mediject.com 。

In 2008, anti-black offenses accounted for 26 persons per 1,000 people, and anti-white crimes accounted for 18 persons per 1,000 people (victim characteristics, October 21, 2009, www.fbi.gov).


In the past, their motives were often rooted in shared anti-communism.

过去它们 www.Dddtt.com 这样做的动机通常都根源于反对***("be rooted in"表示"根源于","明显受……影响"),而现在 dd dtt。

Then there was Mr Berlusconi's own exploitation of "anti-politics", his depiction of himself as an outsider—a technique that allowed him to tap into a rich vein[5]of support among mainly poor, rural poorly educated voters who distrusted the institutions.


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WWW? (Who Wants War)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
